• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

~ Minas Tirith 10th Anniversary Events ~


Staff member
~ Minas Tirith 10th Anniversary Events ~

'"Sleep again, and do not be afraid!' said Gandalf. 'For you are not going like Frodo to Mordor, but to Minas Tirith, and there you will be as safe as you can be anywhere in these days."
JRR Tolkien, Minas Tirith, The Return of the King
Greetings fellow MCMEer! Yes, you have read that right! Minas Tirith is turning 10 years old! As one of the most iconic, epic and admired constructions on our server, the Event Team thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to celebrate such an important achievement together, and look forward to what the future has in store.

~Minas Tirith Scavenger Hunt~
Hosted by: @WieldableMars0
June 8 - June 16

Starting off the event season, a golden fish has been hidden in Minas Tirith. Head to the Minas Tirith Citadel and open the chest next to the White Tree to start. When you’re finished, please message @WieldableMars0 on Discord with your proof of completion!

~Decoration Job~
Hosted by: @WieldableMars0
Saturday, June 8
19:00 UTC

To celebrate Minas Tirith having its 10th birthday, join @WieldableMars0 in decorating the Tower of Guard!

~Denethor’s Games~
Hosted by: @Supercat_14
Sunday, June 9
18:00 UTC

Join @Supercat_14 in a varied event, featuring minigames and pvp all within the walls of Minas Tirith!

~Minas Tirith Royal Game Show~
Hosted by: @LordReavanPlays
Monday, June 10
19:00 UTC

Want to test your Minas Tirith knowledge? Need to prove how much of a nerd you are?! Well, find some friends and join the MT Royal Game Show! In this Jeopardy-Bar Quiz Crossover, you’ll be fully tested on facts from all aspects of Minas Tirith, both on and off the server. So study up, find some teams of 2-3, and sign up for a chance to win a special cookie!
To participate send a DM on Discord to @LordReavanPlays
with your Team name, Members and Leader.

~Minas Tirith Through The Years~
Hosted by: @maski98
Tuesday, June 11
19:00 UTC

In honor of 10 years of Minas Tirith, this month's lore hour will be looking back on the city's history and how it has changed through the millennia.

~10th Anniversary Tour~
Hosted by: @Credoo
Wednesday, June 12
18:00 UTC

Who would know more secrets of the city than its creator?
On the exact day of Minas Tirith’s 10th anniversary of completion, there is no better way to celebrate than joining a great tour run by the leader of the project, Mr. Credoo, together with the people who helped build the “Tower of Guard”. Don’t miss the opportunity to listen to intriguing stories, funny anecdotes, and to learn about how the project was actually handled.

~Pelennor Fields PvP Battle~
Hosted by: @Artale
Friday, June 14
20:00 UTC

Gondor Calls For Aid!
Osgiliath has fallen. Orcs and Nazguls are advancing. Join the Gondorian Army to fight against the shadows of Mordor! Your help is essential in saving Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron. It’s time again for an epic PvP battle on MCME. Be sure not to miss it! The more of us there are, the more legendary it will be.
A special thanks to @maski98 for all the wonderful dev work to prepare this gamemode.

~Closing Ceremony~
Hosted by: Various Hosts
Sunday, June 16
19:00 UTC

No events end without a proper ceremony. Wear your most elegant suit and get ready for the closing event of the Minas Tirith celebrations. Surprises and a well deserved afterparty bringing the community together, will be waiting for you. You won’t want to miss it!

We hope you will enjoy what has been planned and that you will join us to make the events epic and unforgettable!
Last but not least, we’d like to thank the Media Team for these fantastic posters, @Easy_Silas, @Maximator . We’d also like to thank the great people who helped make this happen, and without whom such events would not have happened.

See you all in Minas Tirith!
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