• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Canceled Merlinc01

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Custom Inventory Specialist
Minecraft Username: Merlinc01
Date Joined: 15* of July 2017
What country are from / What time do you usually play online: Belgium (Dutch speaking) / 5pm BST - 7pm BST / (During holidays: 10:30am BST - 7pm BST) Ps: I'm available during the day on discord
Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes
Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes, but rather not to much
What makes a great Guide according to you?
I believe that a guide should at all times TRY to help the other players in the best and most friendly way he/she can.
I don't believe that the guide should be able to provide all the answers on all questions, but he should at least TRY to do so in the best way he can.
The guide should be able to remain friendly under all circumstances, even if other player are being really annoying or calling him/her names (such as Smurf ).
I believe I'm able to do so due to my experience as an official referee.
A guide should check the website, the forums, and the external communication services frequently and be aware of any changes and updates on and around the server.
I believe that a guide should work closely together with staff to solve, address or pass any complaints by the players.
And of course, a guide should know something about the server and the LOTR.
Thank you for your application

During your application you may be contacted to demonstrate a Trial Server tour where you will be provided with a location (Prior notice will be given to you to prepare for the tour through a PM). The tour will be appraised based on your ability to conduct yourself with a group of people, how you articulate the information of the location, your communication skills as well as organization. Note: You must be using a Microphone to conduct the tour

Please note that not everyone will be asked to conduct a trial tour but an application may still be considered.

Each applicant will be evaluated on their merits and their overall character as individual within the Community.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding your application, please do not hesitate to personal message me or one of the current guides. @Artale , @TI_020601 or @Gary_Baggins, @awaywind or @SirEonwe . Good luck with your application.

Dyno (Head Enforcer & Head Guide)
Dear everyone, and especially dyno;
After a lot of thinking I would like to cancel my apply for becoming a guide.
I think I can serve the server and community better by building... I will however still be happy to help and provide information to anyone who needs it.
I hope you understand my decision,
greetings Merlin.
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