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Finished Marshes

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Moria Hall Professional
~:~|~:~ Marshes ~:~|~:~
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Project Leader:
Project Staff:
@Andrewpioneer @Xmine01 @mask98


The fenmarch:
Location:On the western side of the Mering Stream that marked Rohan's eastern border with Anórien
Family:Ruled by the House of Eorl
Outflow:The Mering Stream ran along the borders of Fenmarch into the Entwash
A region of eastern Rohan that stretched from the Firien Wood along the Mering Stream, and therefore marked part of Rohan's eastern border with Gondor. The fen element of the name means 'marsh' and is a reference to the wetlands along the Stream. March is an old word for 'borderland' - a reference to the border with Gondor - and has the same derivation as Mark, a name for the whole country of Rohan. In fact, Tolkien writes in his translation notes to The Lord of the Rings that on reflection he would have preferred the form Fenmark, to the extent that he recommended this alternative version for translated versions of the book.

The Entwash (river + river delta:
Location:Flowing out of Fangorn Forest, south and then east to meet Anduin
Source:The slopes of Methedras, above Wellinghall in Fangorn Forest
Outflow:Into Anduin at the Mouths of Entwash
Meaning:Flooding river of the Ents
Other Names:Onodló
Name among Men for the river the Elves called Onodló; it rose in the Fangorn Forest at the southern foothills of the Misty Mountains, and flowed southeastward through Rohan until it met the Great RiverAnduin below Rauros.


VegetationNot Started (waiting for tots!)

TerrainNot Started
VegetationNot Started

Rauros (start of the Anduin): Not Started

Detailed description
A marsh a type of wetland where herbaceous plants are the dominant vegetation. An herbaceous plant is a plant that does not have any woody stems above the ground. Grasses and reeds are the most common plants found in marshes. Most woody plants that live in marshes are shrubs that grow to low heights. A marsh can be thought of as a wetland dominated by grassland.

Marshes are often found near the fringes of lakes and streams. A marsh often serves as a transitional area between land and aquatic ecosystems. In our case we are dealing with a freshwater marsh that is filled by the rivers from Rohan. They re a type of wetland that is teeming with both animal and plant life. Freshwater marshes are usually low-lying, open areas located near creeks, streams, rivers and lakes, where water flows into the marsh. Marshes are especially common at the mouths of rivers. The water level in freshwater marshes usually ranges from 1 to 6 feet deep (in our case this would be 2 blocks); this water is rich in minerals and the water level varies seasonally. In the United States, the biggest freshwater marsh in the United States is the Florida Everglades (in southwestern Florida).

The waterlogged land in marshes supports many low-growing plants, like grasses and sedges; there are few trees in marshes. Some marsh plants are cattail, sawgrass, water lily, pickerel weed, spike rush, and bullrush.

Some animals live in the water (including fish, crabs, shrimp, tadpoles, insect larvae, etc.), some animals live at the surface of the water like frogs, turtles, beavers (yeah beaver dams will be added), some animals live above the water (like birds, insects, frogs), and other animals live in the spongy areas of land surrounding the swamp like (raccoons, opossums, muskrats, deer, snails, earthworms), using the marsh for feeding, shelter, and/or nesting areas.

Concept Art and Reference

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yeah beaver dams will be added
From your description of the area and your reference pictures I really don't think there would be any beavers in the Fenmarch. Beavers usually build their lodges in wooded areas with plenty of building materials for their dams and lodges as well as plenty of young aspen and poplar trees for eating.
Although that is true for the main part it will be close to forest on the side of the marsh, so in that area beavers could live.
Fenmarch (Update)

So today, we finished the main part of the terrain of the fen march, the blocks were mixed and the marshes are the right depth! This was done with a lot of help of people. A big thanks to everybody that participated in creating this masterpiece!

For those who are interested in what the vegetation is going to look like. I am giving you a small sneak peak of the vegetation.

For those that are interested stay tuned for more jobs in the near future!
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