This may have been discussed before, if it has I apologise, but I'm gonna go ahead a make a lengthy post all in vain anyways.
Whenever I'm looking at the Lothlorian trees, I always feel like the yellow leaves should be semi transparent like the other leaves. They are not, as the leaf texture is just a wool block. And imo I dont "feeeeel" like they are leaves. You cant texture a solid block with gaps, as it will just make the gaps white anyways. But then I thought of using a transparent block for the base instead, and made a suggestion where the texture just goes onto a glass block.
And I may be way off base here as I'm not big on the lore and whatnot, and it could be that the canopy is supposed to very thick, and everything is as it should be, and I'm just ignorant.
Anyways, here are some screens of my quick suggestion of how the trees could look like
As shown, you can see through the leaves and into the branches and the houses that would have been there if it was on the server:
The solid canopy, I think, makes it look kinda like the tree is petrified, and not vivid and alive and magical. Which I feel kinda is a big theme for the elven kingdoms. And it would also be cool if the branches were visible through the leaves, and you could see outlines of houses and buildings when standing on the ground.
What I have done is just take the leaf block as it is and erased some parts as to match the see-through-pattern as some of the leaves we already have. This pattern can of course vary in both thickness and density, as well as in colour and saturation to make the canopy look vivid and interesting. As far as I'm aware the full glass blocks have not yet been utilised in that rp, so this is my simple suggestion.
Thanks for reading
Whenever I'm looking at the Lothlorian trees, I always feel like the yellow leaves should be semi transparent like the other leaves. They are not, as the leaf texture is just a wool block. And imo I dont "feeeeel" like they are leaves. You cant texture a solid block with gaps, as it will just make the gaps white anyways. But then I thought of using a transparent block for the base instead, and made a suggestion where the texture just goes onto a glass block.
And I may be way off base here as I'm not big on the lore and whatnot, and it could be that the canopy is supposed to very thick, and everything is as it should be, and I'm just ignorant.
Anyways, here are some screens of my quick suggestion of how the trees could look like

As shown, you can see through the leaves and into the branches and the houses that would have been there if it was on the server:

The solid canopy, I think, makes it look kinda like the tree is petrified, and not vivid and alive and magical. Which I feel kinda is a big theme for the elven kingdoms. And it would also be cool if the branches were visible through the leaves, and you could see outlines of houses and buildings when standing on the ground.
What I have done is just take the leaf block as it is and erased some parts as to match the see-through-pattern as some of the leaves we already have. This pattern can of course vary in both thickness and density, as well as in colour and saturation to make the canopy look vivid and interesting. As far as I'm aware the full glass blocks have not yet been utilised in that rp, so this is my simple suggestion.
Thanks for reading