Forum Title: Lothlorien Acacia Leaves
Filename: leaves_acacia.png and leaves_acacia_opaque.png
Resource Pack: Lothlorien
Texture description: additional leave texture for bushes and trees
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? This texture has already been implemented Gondor resource pack (The file are leaves_oak.png and leaves_oak_opaque.png in Gondor pack). In Lothlorien rp acacia leaves have a default texture. We want to use it in Lothlorien for bushes and trees. In bushes these leaves can be mixed with dark oak, as the leave shape is very similar (see ingame image)
Texture image:
Ingame Image:
Filename: leaves_acacia.png and leaves_acacia_opaque.png
Resource Pack: Lothlorien
Texture description: additional leave texture for bushes and trees
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? This texture has already been implemented Gondor resource pack (The file are leaves_oak.png and leaves_oak_opaque.png in Gondor pack). In Lothlorien rp acacia leaves have a default texture. We want to use it in Lothlorien for bushes and trees. In bushes these leaves can be mixed with dark oak, as the leave shape is very similar (see ingame image)
Texture image:
Ingame Image: