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Accepted [Lim. FAWE][WE-] - Merlin's badge application

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Custom Inventory Specialist
Limited WorldEdit [we-]

Badge Requirements:

Be at least Artist or Guide
Have experience in fawe basics
Have an adequate amount of experience in FAWE
Is responsible and mature enough to use the tool in an effective manner I'll leave this one for the staff to decide.


• When did you join?
\> July 23rd 2017

• What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?
\> I currently have the rank of Artist, and have had the rank of Foreman before. I was promoted to artist on September 12th 2017.

• How experienced Are you in FAWE?
\> I already knew more than the basics of FAWE when I joined mcme. When the badges were first announced I went on BuildersRefuge to further practice and refine my skills. I also learned to use the brushes (from voxel) that are included in FAWE. Tho after getting into voxel I prefer to use that plugin for brushes.

• Will you need instruction in using WE once you acquire the badge?
\> No

• Why do you need this badge?
\> I would like this badge to offer my skills and help out other players when they need w.e. it would also help and encourage me to take on bigger builds, like Moria halls and such.

• What to you is a responsible and mature player?
\> Someone who is able to think further and rationally about how his actions will effect something before handling. In the case of FAWE it means that the player should be aware of the potential of the plugin as A tool but also the danger that copes with it. And should overthink what the commands he's entering will do. Since I have had more than one build (not mcme ones) destroyed or just deleted by uncarefull use of w.e. I think that I have learned to do this.
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to be ahead of bwot, here's some pics from copy-flip-paste-other commad stuff and terrain I made with fawe brushes. (both wip)


  • 2018-05-15_20.01.10.webp
    51.1 KB · Views: 459
  • 2018-05-15_20.07.22.webp
    42.1 KB · Views: 435
Good that you know the terrain brushes in FAWE, I think its something a lot of people are missing and don't know when applying.

Upon saying that, as I said to bart: " I see a lot of players put Moria as kind of a default justification for getting FAWE. I would like to see more specific goals and projects which you will be working on, possibly even taking a leading role as you are going to get this tool which will speed your building and progress tremendously."

Also would like to see more builds using FAWE.
Good that you know the terrain brushes in FAWE, I think its something a lot of people are missing and don't know when applying.

Upon saying that, as I said to bart: " I see a lot of players put Moria as kind of a default justification for getting FAWE. I would like to see more specific goals and projects which you will be working on, possibly even taking a leading role as you are going to get this tool which will speed your building and progress tremendously."

Also would like to see more builds using FAWE.
I would like to use fawe to take on the Mouths of the Entwash again and finish that of, (I'll get to updating my project app.). Maybe voxel could be usefull for this as well. More pictures of builds will be coming ur way soon.
Here's my portfolio:
\> Some basic copy rotation, flip and construction commands...

\> Writing with the disc brush, quite handy for planning stuff. [//brush disc 35:(…) .5 1]

\> Tree and veg library for easy copy onto the terrain.

\> Terrain made by me: Started out by laying out the streams using the disc brush (see above) [//brush disc 35:3 (blue wool) 1/2/3 1]. Then I went on to create the slight hills next to these streams using a height brush [//brush height 2]. After this was finished I smoothed it out by using the smoothing brush, (yes I know that I could've used blendball as well but I decided to go for smooth because it was only a small area) [//brush smooth 3], and after this did some final tweaks by hand. Then I went on and changed the sand (used for terraforming) into grass [//replace sand grass]. I did that to perform the next brush, [//brush sphere 86%0,(…)], to put on the grass vegetation. After this I run another replacement to change the grass into all the different blocks. I did even more tweaking using the [//brush erode]. To finish off I pasted in the trees and bushes from the library I made before and ran one more replacement to switch the blue wool into water.

\> overview of the entire plot.

EDIT: trough all of this I also constantly used a command-binding brush [//brush command /undo] and [//brush command /redo] to easely undo and redo things.
Accepted, you have shown you will be capable of using the badge effectively and responsibly. You will receive it once the badge is set-up and made in-game. Congratulations!
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