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Accepted Lemon's Application for Limited WE

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Slab Fanatic
  • When did you join?
July 18th, 2019
  • What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had the rank?
Artist; 9 days
  • How experienced are you in FAWE?
Not at all.
  • Will you need instructions in using worldedit once you have the badge?
  • Why do you need this badge?
I very frequently require WE assistance from other Artists+, so being able to use it myself would make me a bit less of a bother. Being able to use WE myself would also allow me to further my builds exactly as I have in mind, rather than needing to explain it to another person. WE ability would certainly also make me a much more useful artist.
  • What does 'mature and responsible use of the badge' mean to you?
I would typically not use WE on any builds other than my own, unless given permission or asked for assistance by another player. I would not use the tool to make dramatic alternations to existing structures or landscape, unless at the direction of a Designer or Foreman. Generally, I would keep the extent of my editing at a moderate level and only use the tool with caution and forethought.

I am also in two minds about applying for voxel. On the one hand, I have a love for terraforming and would put it to great use in that regard. On the other hand, I do not want to be presumptuous, as I am less than ten days into being an Artist and have I imagine yet to prove myself worthy of such power. Plus, I have just as zero experience with Voxel as I do with WE.
This is not directly related to your application, but your written English is very good; it comes off as very professional and you seem like a smart dude because of it (not that I would think you are not smart if your written English was bad).
This is not directly related to your application, but your written English is very good; it comes off as very professional and you seem like a smart dude because of it (not that I would think you are not smart if your written English was bad).
Hehe, ty. I try. Can't say whether it correlates with actual smarts though.
If you need any help feel free to ask some artists. (start by looking up some tutorials on youtube maybe )

About the voxel badge I'd suggest starting with showing your terrain skills.
If you need any help feel free to ask some artists. (start by looking up some tutorials on youtube maybe )

About the voxel badge I'd suggest starting with showing your terrain skills.
Thank you so much! ^^

I shall check out tutorials, yes.

As for terrain skills, I think I'll make an album of some terraforming I've done on other maps and link them to a separate application for voxel.
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