The guides have discussed your application, and we'd like to move onto the next stage with your application. Congratulations!
So, starting from tomorrow, the 21st of August 2020, you will have 1 month to demonstrate to us why you would be a good Guide. You have been given the tours badge and minigames badge if you don't have them already. I recommend looking through the minigames manual and the guide manual on how to do stuff.
As per the application guidelines, it's up to you to keep this post updated. Whenever you do a tour, minigame, event or so on, it's up to you to let us know in here and here only. This is the only place we will look at for progress on your application, we won't check anywhere else!
At some point during your period, you will be expected to complete a trial tour as well. Once again, it's up to you to let us know the details of that, specifically the date and time you'd like to do it and where you'd like it to take place. We won't prompt you to complete one, yet it's detrimental to the success of your application. It can be whenever you want, so long as you communicate your ideas over to us!
We'll support you through it. If there's anything you want announcing, in #alerts or #news, let us know in here. If there's anything you'd like the Guides explicitly to be at, then once again say it down below. We'll keep you updated from time to time, with feedback or updates regarding your application.
So over to you. You have until the 21st of September to show us what you'd be like as a Guide.
Best of luck, and we'll see you soon.