I'm basically writing a post to address the lack of Jobs and Projects Thread updating.
This is exactly why the Jobs and Projects were removed from Discord as it was too messy to keep track and now there is no updates at all aside from word of mouth.
In regards to Moria, the last Moria thread was made in March just to ask for an update and isn't posted by @Despot666.
I would like to politely ask who's currently in charge of what? What plan is being used currently and What is the current to do list? I get a different answer depending on who I ask!
I believe that @Patrick_0901, @dav3ck and @Jesia is working on this but I'm yet to see any public forum updates to clearly identify which role they have in building/organising.
For Belfalas, the forum post hasn't been updated since April. I know @Darki has a to do list so posting this to the forums would be great for artists and foreman alike!
With Dol Amroth, I keep hearing it is almost done but what's left to do? Who needs to finish what? Let's finish this
@Thijs1801 / @Eriol_Eandur
How is Andrast going? @jacenpeter Who's helping you? How can we help?
And not going to lie, I'm actually not sure what @Wroxxite @Ivan1pl @Kjolsen @mattlego @Wraith_Knight are working on right now?
I'm sorry to be the one to call out all the Designers but it has to be said.
Making these forum posts not only help the community understand what's happening on MCME, but it helps designers pass out their responsibilities to artists who need work. It helps the foreman know what they can work on too as jobs.
If we could actually start using the forums again to see what's going on with Jobs and Projects maybe things will be done more effectively and we won't have the issue of why hasn't this been done yet and isn't this meant to have been done by (insert random user).
Feel free to completely disregard this but I feel like it'd help a whole lot and we wouldn't have to harrass people just to update The Times.
Thank you for reading
I'm basically writing a post to address the lack of Jobs and Projects Thread updating.
This is exactly why the Jobs and Projects were removed from Discord as it was too messy to keep track and now there is no updates at all aside from word of mouth.
In regards to Moria, the last Moria thread was made in March just to ask for an update and isn't posted by @Despot666.
I would like to politely ask who's currently in charge of what? What plan is being used currently and What is the current to do list? I get a different answer depending on who I ask!
I believe that @Patrick_0901, @dav3ck and @Jesia is working on this but I'm yet to see any public forum updates to clearly identify which role they have in building/organising.
For Belfalas, the forum post hasn't been updated since April. I know @Darki has a to do list so posting this to the forums would be great for artists and foreman alike!
With Dol Amroth, I keep hearing it is almost done but what's left to do? Who needs to finish what? Let's finish this

How is Andrast going? @jacenpeter Who's helping you? How can we help?
And not going to lie, I'm actually not sure what @Wroxxite @Ivan1pl @Kjolsen @mattlego @Wraith_Knight are working on right now?
I'm sorry to be the one to call out all the Designers but it has to be said.
Making these forum posts not only help the community understand what's happening on MCME, but it helps designers pass out their responsibilities to artists who need work. It helps the foreman know what they can work on too as jobs.
If we could actually start using the forums again to see what's going on with Jobs and Projects maybe things will be done more effectively and we won't have the issue of why hasn't this been done yet and isn't this meant to have been done by (insert random user).
Feel free to completely disregard this but I feel like it'd help a whole lot and we wouldn't have to harrass people just to update The Times.
Thank you for reading