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Accepted Human100 artist application

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Restraining the artist rank from these people is just a waste of labor. Instead of being productive on the main map, they're wasting potential in freebuild (apart from the amazing work you do in jobs and plotbuilds ofc).

(Good application btw)
Update: This is the finished product.

- Try making your fields more square, why would people build them in such organic shapes, they are much easier to make and farm when straight.
- Fields could also be bigger.
- I prefer the belfalas field style (parallel roads all over the farm) over the patrick one (one or two roads through a farm).
- Avoid spamming thatch floor cover in every room, rather make them some rugs/patches in one room or two.
- Don't let beams run into openings in your ceiling, such as a stair (see picture 9) Could avoid by adding support beam(s) or a wall
- Interiors look good overall, nicely detailed
- A shop would make little sense in such a small village, would probably be more of a farm estate.
- Some trees would really help on breaking up the build, either between some of the fields, or in the village itself.
- More types of vegetation such as dry grass, jungle saplings would help up mix your grass to look more interesting. On top of that you could also have some flower patches.

Nice improvements over your last village, it's also good to see you know how to build in the style of Anorien.
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