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House of Tarannon Falastur


Staff member
How long have you been on the server?: Over 1 Year
What is your current rank?: Artist
Who have you contacted to help you out with this project?: Mandos and Jack
Have you been part in any projects before? If yes elaborate what you did: If a freebuild project with a group of artists for Umbar counts then...
Is the project on the list of available projects? Yes
In what amount of time do you think this project will get done (rough guess)? 4-6 Weeks (Don't want to underestimate)

House of Tarannon

Project Leader: mattlego
Staff Member: Mandos
Other Participants: Jackg

...Tarannon built below Pelargir 'upon arches whose feet stood deep in the wide waters of Ethir Anduin';...
King Tarannon had a house by the Sea near Pelargir that stood on arches in the Anduin. Tarannon became the first of four ship-kings, or kings of Gondor who were concerned with strengthening the nation's naval forces.

The House of Tarannon Falastur is a house on the Ethir Anduin that was built by Tarannon Falastur. I will be building this house in said area (Tarannon built house while expanding Gondor's borders so it may have acted as an outpost on top of being Tarnnon's home)


Sea Wall (will go all the way down into water, blocks were removed after the screenshot was taken)

Stage 1 - Edit terrain [ON HOLD]
-Terrain for house
-Terrain for sea wall

Stage 2 - Layout Island [ON HOLD]
-Layout House (3d layout)
-Layout farms, dock, bridge

Stage 3 - Begin work on house(s) [ON HOLD]
-Main House
-Farm house

Stage 4 - Build farms/vineyard [ON HOLD]

Stage 5 - Roads [ON HOLD]

Stage 6 - Any other small details/add in trees and shrubbery [ON HOLD]



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Alright just checked the area and island is gone... so I'll put this on hold until I can draw up a new island layout once the islands are redone
You're mixing up the lore. Queen Beruthiel stayed in Osgiliath with her cats and "tormented statues"; King Tarannon Falastur ("coincidentally" who this house is named for) is the one who wanted to be by the sea.
Oh... just copied the description Fin put for this project... so don't blame me
well matt the Person who edited the terrain was me
since im overdoing the delta of the anduin.
but the island you picked should be in its final state
Tried it with Bombur before, so now I am confused as on my screen I see words nobody else seems to see

"the house that Tarannon built below Pelargir 'upon arches whose feet stood deep in the wide waters of Ethir Anduin"

I really have no idea what is so hard to understand here.
This quote is not copied from a wiki article and thus still up to interpretation, its a 1:1 quote from Unfinished Tales.
well deep isnt possible anymore sorta
Updated the concept/plan picture... The outcropping part may not look like it is in the water but its actually about 10 blocks into the water
Got a small suggestion, since the Houses is located down in the Ethir Anduin, wouldnt it be logic to have some defences against cosairs, or whoever would try to drive up the Anduin.
I was thinking of having a bridge to a tower in the river, should there be more defense though? Maybe some small navy ships or a small navy base on a different island?
I was thinking of having a bridge to a tower in the river, should there be more defense though? Maybe some small navy ships or a small navy base on a different island?
was more likely thinking about making it a bit fortified (no real Castle tho) a watchtower would be a cool idea anyways.
Alright maybe something like a sea wall around the island. From the water a 3 or 4 block wall but from the island itself it would only be 1 block, I would raise the grass in parts so it would still be 3 or 4 blocks from the outside
I completely redid my concepts... now I am using clay and a new roof design
I don't want to beat a dead horse but if we look at the quote finrod copied again we'll see that it says the structure should be supported on arches, not just artificial land. I want to be able to swim under your palace.
The swimming part is interesting... were the house starts and where the little patio ends it is kind of like a little rectangle, go from the patio (go left) in a straight line and then straight down to where that side of the house starts... that whole area underneath is water

One thing I could do however is remove parts of the island to allow more of it to be over water, then I could build the house on stilts and get that look that you want
Yeah i didn't literally mean i want to swim under it, I was just saying that to get the point across of having it over water.
i'm not applying for the project. but a cool idea would be to base it on emperor tiberius' villa at capri
considering the sits in the direct raiding route of the corsairs. it would be reasonable to assume the house would sit atop the cliff edge of the isle for security and safety. (stay with me fin) and to satisfy the arches deep in the water. have a small stone port/guard/gatehouse situated half on the island and half over the water built on deep arches.

red = villa green = dock(only access to island) possibly some vineyards flanking the winding path up to the villa entrance from the dock

this is no means an application just an idea/suggestion. i recumbently don't have the time to build anything. feel free to toss aside if you wish
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