How long have you been on the server?: Over 1 Year
What is your current rank?: Artist
Who have you contacted to help you out with this project?: Mandos and Jack
Have you been part in any projects before? If yes elaborate what you did: If a freebuild project with a group of artists for Umbar counts then...
Is the project on the list of available projects? Yes
In what amount of time do you think this project will get done (rough guess)? 4-6 Weeks (Don't want to underestimate)
House of Tarannon
Project Leader: mattlego
Staff Member: Mandos
Other Participants: Jackg
The House of Tarannon Falastur is a house on the Ethir Anduin that was built by Tarannon Falastur. I will be building this house in said area (Tarannon built house while expanding Gondor's borders so it may have acted as an outpost on top of being Tarnnon's home)
Sea Wall (will go all the way down into water, blocks were removed after the screenshot was taken)
Stage 1 - Edit terrain [ON HOLD]
-Terrain for house
-Terrain for sea wall
Stage 2 - Layout Island [ON HOLD]
-Layout House (3d layout)
-Layout farms, dock, bridge
Stage 3 - Begin work on house(s) [ON HOLD]
-Main House
-Farm house
Stage 4 - Build farms/vineyard [ON HOLD]
Stage 5 - Roads [ON HOLD]
Stage 6 - Any other small details/add in trees and shrubbery [ON HOLD]
What is your current rank?: Artist
Who have you contacted to help you out with this project?: Mandos and Jack
Have you been part in any projects before? If yes elaborate what you did: If a freebuild project with a group of artists for Umbar counts then...
Is the project on the list of available projects? Yes
In what amount of time do you think this project will get done (rough guess)? 4-6 Weeks (Don't want to underestimate)
House of Tarannon
Project Leader: mattlego
Staff Member: Mandos
Other Participants: Jackg
...Tarannon built below Pelargir 'upon arches whose feet stood deep in the wide waters of Ethir Anduin';...
The House of Tarannon Falastur is a house on the Ethir Anduin that was built by Tarannon Falastur. I will be building this house in said area (Tarannon built house while expanding Gondor's borders so it may have acted as an outpost on top of being Tarnnon's home)
Sea Wall (will go all the way down into water, blocks were removed after the screenshot was taken)
Stage 1 - Edit terrain [ON HOLD]
-Terrain for house
-Terrain for sea wall
Stage 2 - Layout Island [ON HOLD]
-Layout House (3d layout)
-Layout farms, dock, bridge
Stage 3 - Begin work on house(s) [ON HOLD]
-Main House
-Farm house
Stage 4 - Build farms/vineyard [ON HOLD]
Stage 5 - Roads [ON HOLD]
Stage 6 - Any other small details/add in trees and shrubbery [ON HOLD]
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