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Henneth Annun
Why am I making this thread?After talking with Leblanc we agreed that I could continue with Henneth Annun while he is busy with other stuff. Currently there are some things that don't match with the lore, most of which Eriol listed in the announcements thread. I would like to improve this, but sadly, this means we would need to alter quite a lot of stuff, which is why I want to ask your opinion.
Main cave
Currently, the main cave is too small and doesn't match the description in the book. Eriol posted a really nice map, which I tried making a bit more expansive with pencil and paper (I'm sorry about the handwriting and drawing skills
The Fall
Currently, the waterfall kind of has two falls:
Road towards the Southern Bank
Currently, this road is not going anywhere near the southern bank, and as such Frodo wouldn't be able to go near the waters of the basin. I'd like to reroute the road to go quite closely along the banks, and make a "path" down towards the water, because I couldn't find one at our current build. This path would be very, very rough and hard to see if you don't know it was there.
Red is the "main" road, green is the very hidden path down to the basin.
Looking westward
Currently, when looking westward out of the cave, the sun sets behind the cliffs and trees at around 5:30 PM. In my eyes this is a bit too early to actually call it a proper sunset, but it has to do with the river currently bending southward after the basin. This isn't what was described in the books, as you could even see the Anduin from the plateau on top of the banks. In my eyes this would be quite a straight river, continuously running westward until it joins the Anduin.
Red is the river, though note that this was just drawn up in Paint in a second.
Like Eriol said in his post, this can be such a cool project, and I'd like to make this as detailed and lore-accurate as possible. Because of this I want to hear your opinions on all that I have described above, and possible additions or ideas. Thanks for reading!