• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Resolved Help?

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Is going on an adventure!
I know this is going to seem really noobish, but I'm wondering a few things. I just joined the build server. If someone could answer these questions without calling me an idiot that would be great! ;)

1) I want to join a build! I believe that this option is on the build server. I want to help create the Middle Earth map. How do I do that? I am in survival mode when walking around the map and can fly. This sounds pretty noobish but if someone could just state how without directing me to a page it might be easier for me to understand :/

2) Could someone explain what happens on each server? Like Freebuild vs. Build. What's the difference and things like that?

3) Anyone know any settings I can change to reduce the lag a little? It is a big map so I know there will always be a ton, but can I reduce it?

Thanks! I hope I didn't cause any facepalms :)
I know this is going to seem really noobish, but I'm wondering a few things. I just joined the build server. If someone could answer these questions without calling me an idiot that would be great! ;)

1) I want to join a build! I believe that this option is on the build server. I want to help create the Middle Earth map. How do I do that? I am in survival mode when walking around the map and can fly. This sounds pretty noobish but if someone could just state how without directing me to a page it might be easier for me to understand :/

2) Could someone explain what happens on each server? Like Freebuild vs. Build. What's the difference and things like that?

3) Anyone know any settings I can change to reduce the lag a little? It is a big map so I know there will always be a ton, but can I reduce it?

Thanks! I hope I didn't cause any facepalms :)
1. Well, only artists and up can fully commit to a build, but anyone below that can join a job. The desginers run the jobs every once in a while, you should participate in one sometime. It may help you practive if you consider artist someday.
2. The Build server is the map of Middle-Earth, that is currently being built on constantly. You will find quite a few places from the books and movies here, but many areas are not done. This takes time! Freebuild is where you can do Themed Builds or just, well, "freebuild"! (Themed Builds will be important if you ever want to become artist, you will use them to apply)
3. I am not an expert on this stuff, sorry. (Someone else have ideas?)
1) To help build join jobs when designers run them. If you want to help build more often apply for artist here: http://www.mcmiddleearth.com/forums/artist.18/

2) The difference between build and freebuild is, on the build server we have middle earth in minecraft along with a few plots for pasting in, On the freebuild, we have theme builds (http://www.mcmiddleearth.com/threads/stone-giants.1845/) and community builds, which you can learn more about on the forums.

3) to reduce lag, go to video settings and lower the render distance to normal, small, or tiny, and change smooth lighting to none, and no fancy graphics.

P.S you aren't a total noob and if you have more questions read the New Player Guide http://www.mcmiddleearth.com/pages/new-player-guide/
or ask people for help.
Thanks guys! I did read the New Player Guide, it helped a little now. :) Your community just keeps impressing me with your kindness and formal manner. I'm glad I came across it!
Once again, welcome to MCME!

1. You as an Adventurer in the Build server can only build during Jobs, led by Designers, and in the Plotworld in specific occasions. Read this thread, it will explain everything in more details to you :3

2. The Freebuild server is where Themed Builds are held, in the Themed Build world, and it's also where you can build freely in the other worlds, the lore appropriate world and the off-topic world (well, freely within the rules).

The Build server is the main server, in which we are building Middle-earth.

3. Yodog already said everything I know.
this guide may be useful too:

Beside jobs there sometimes are Build competitions where everyone can build a certain building or similar and the best of them gets placed into the world (we did the forge of Ost-in-Edhil, the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath and the Citadel of Minas Tirith and much more with that kind of build) So keep an eye on the Jobs and Projects section where they get announced! (And never dont participate cuz yiu think youre too bad; the last competition had two adventurers as finalists even though some artists participated too.

But as Adventurer, dont forget to go on an adventure and explore the whole wide world on foot. From Bagend to Rivendell also the path that Frodo took is marked out with footprint textures ;)
this guide may be useful too:

Beside jobs there sometimes are Build competitions where everyone can build a certain building or similar and the best of them gets placed into the world (we did the forge of Ost-in-Edhil, the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath and the Citadel of Minas Tirith and much more with that kind of build) So keep an eye on the Jobs and Projects section where they get announced! (And never dont participate cuz yiu think youre too bad; the last competition had two adventurers as finalists even though some artists participated too.

But as Adventurer, dont forget to go on an adventure and explore the whole wide world on foot. From Bagend to Rivendell also the path that Frodo took is marked out with footprint textures ;)
I noticed the footprints and wondered what those were! I get it now! Thanks
1. Well, only artists and up can fully commit to a build, but anyone below that can join a job. The desginers run the jobs every once in a while, you should participate in one sometime. It may help you practive if you consider artist someday.
2. The Build server is the map of Middle-Earth, that is currently being built on constantly. You will find quite a few places from the books and movies here, but many areas are not done. This takes time! Freebuild is where you can do Themed Builds or just, well, "freebuild"! (Themed Builds will be important if you ever want to become artist, you will use them to apply)
3. I am not an expert on this stuff, sorry. (Someone else have ideas?)
To reduce lag you might want to also change your video settings from fancy to fast, I believe the options are available for smooth lighting and textures? not at home right now so can't check. The game won't look quite as nice but it should boost your framerate. It's also probably worth checking, you mean fps lag and/or freezing right? Anything else like interaction lag (e.g clicking on a door and it taking 5 mins to open) or rubber banding (suddenly being pulled back to a previous location) is connection lag and can't be fixed in your settings.

Hope that helped.
Optifine also helps with lag reduction; more specific render views, fog removal, turning on/off specific particles, general performance enhancement behind the scenes... it's great. Here's the download page if you want it: http://optifine.net/downloads.php
Obviously, get the 1.7.10 version, to be compatible with the server version. It's pretty simple, it automatically installs n' stuff.

Hope to see you online soon!
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