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Resolved Headphones Not Working

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So basically, my problem is pretty simple. When I plug my headphones into the jack on my computer (Samsung Laptop Windoes 8) there is no notification, and they do not show up in my device manager. I have the "show disabled devices" and "show disconnected devices" ticked.
The only solutions I found online told me to do that.

These headphones also work for other things such as my Iphone so they are not the problem.

Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks, appreciate it :)
Have you tried plugging in any other kind of headphones into your computer? Because if that doesn't work it's a problem with your jack which requires pro-help (well, you can do it yourself but it's pretty complicated, at least with an laptop.)
Plugging a device into a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack wouldn't show up as any sort of external device, since it's just an analog output port. Have you tried going into your sound settings (which you should be able to get to via the Control Panel, if not elsewhere) and checking to see if that output is muted or not?
I'm assuming it is a standard 3.5 mm headhpone jack since you said that you've used it on your iPod.

First, make sure you're plugging the headphone speaker into the speaker receiver (green) and not the microphone (pink) receiver.

(You'd be surprised how many mistake them...)

Things that come to the top of my head are;

  1. Uninstall then reinstall (assuming you have an on-board audio) the audio drivers for your motherboard
  2. Open up the volume control panel and select the 'properties' of your device, make sure it isn't muted
  3. Make sure the audio level is turned up enough that you can hear something (I typically leave mine on 50%-75%)
  4. If you still can't hear anything, try plugging it into another jack on your computer (if you have one on the front or back, use the opposite jack that you have been using. I.E. plug it into the back if you've been using the front)
  5. If it is a headset that requires a specific driver, lookup the manufacturer online and download any driver that may be needed.
If it still isn't working, it could be a faulty jack on your computer, though if you have 2 jacks its very unlikely that both are bad. You could purchase a 3.5mm to USB adapter so that you could try that, USB also generally gives a better sound anyways.

< adapter
Plugging a device into a standard 3.5 mm headphone jack wouldn't show up as any sort of external device, since it's just an analog output port. Have you tried going into your sound settings (which you should be able to get to via the Control Panel, if not elsewhere) and checking to see if that output is muted or not?

How do you check to see if the output is muted or not?
(sorry I am so stupid when i comes to some computer stuff :( )
Thanks for the help so far guys, @pheonixsang Im fairly certain that my drivers are updated, and i know its in the correct jack (and yes i only have one headphone jack) thanks anyway though, if nothing else works ill get the adapter like you suggested.

yes they have
How do you check to see if the output is muted or not?
(sorry I am so stupid when i comes to some computer stuff :( )
A lot of it depends on your individual sound hardware; many of them have some sort of built-in software for volume control that replaces the default Windows one. No matter what you have, just about all of them will usually show up as some sort of icon (often a little speaker picture) on the right-hand side of the taskbar (the normal Windows bar at the bottom of your screen); it might not always display, so you may have to click the little arrow to view the additional icons. I'm not super-familiar with Windows 8, but you should still be able to find those on your Desktop screen. Besides that, you could also open up the Control Panel, and there should be some sort of option in there for audio devices. (Sorry I can't be more specific.) When you do find the volume control, there are usually separate sliders for different audio outputs; you'd want to find the headphone one and make sure it's turned up to some actual volume.

Actually, come to think of it, if you're on a laptop, there may be some sort of key combination that mutes/unmutes headphones. Try looking across the top of your keyboard, and see if any of the function keys has a little headphones icon or something.
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