- When did you join? 10 of march 2021
- What is your current rank? Commoner
- Do you regularly use our voice communication? I took a break from MCME for a while so I haven't been using voice chats much lately but i'm going to be using them more from now on.
- Why would you like this badge? I enjoy playing minigames and I also really enjoy being able to start minigames for the people who are bored or just wants to take a little break from building or other stuff and just play some quick minigames. The ability to make the server a little more fun for some people from time to time is something i miss from my time as a guide.
- If you were to get the badge, how often would you use it? I would probably use it quite often when I see that there is nothing else going on or people ask for some minigames but I wouldn't do it to often so that people don't get bored of it.
- How would you make the minigames fun and enjoyable? I would take peoples ideas and suggestions into consideration about maps or locations or other stuff and I would try to make the minigames fun with voicechat and maybe try new ideas for the usage of the minigames from time to time.