• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Going Away Thread

Original threads get locked or removed on the forums, so I thought I'd put this here.

There comes a time when you're involved with anything and you just have to step back and weigh your options. Last week that happened with MCME and myself, and I chose to leave. There is no need for dragging up every reason but the main one would be me just growing out of the community. There are quite a few people my age on the server but its primarily filled with people that I don't really have a connection with, and those that I do have one with aren't as active as they once were. I've asked Credoo to remove me from the Artist rank as I won't be coming back. There will still be a few days that I come on teamspeak but as far as the main build and freebuild servers are concerned, tis time to move on.

Bubai everyone;
Date Leaving: 29/5/14
Length of Absence
(or date you'll be back): 1/6/14
Reason or comments (totally optional): going on a very small city-trip to London!
Date Leaving: 30/5/14
Length of Absence (or date you'll be back): 1/6/14
Reason or comments (totally optional): Visiting Grandparents and i got now internet there. Ill just check the Forum.
Right...so...I've not exactly been active lately, what with school taking up a ridiculous amount of my time and just a general lack of enthusiasm on my part. I suppose I'm primarily making this post as a more formal way of stating my alienation from the server. I've had a lot of good times here (almost three years of them, yikes ) but I feel as though recently there's been a real disconnect between where my head is at, and where the server is. As far as work goes, I've not exactly been the most active member of the community (I think that accolade goes to @SugarKoala or one of the absolutely fantastic build staff), but nonetheless I'd like to think I was still somewhat involved with server shenanigans.
Ultimately all that I want to say here can be boiled down to two things;

1) I love you guys. You've helped me through a lot of the bad times, and made my life a far more enjoyable experience than it would otherwise have been (bear with me, I'm a bit of a sentimental prick ). I can't make a list of all the people I've had the honor of getting to know on here, so I just want to tell you all that I really appreciate your friendship, you're amazing (and sometimes really twisted ) people, and as cliched as it sounds I'll miss interacting with you on the regular basis that I have for the past few years.

2) This is hardly the end. As melodramatic as I've been up until this point, I'd like to think I can still make the time to check in every now and again, see how you fine people are handling things, and just enjoy your company. As for those of you I've gotten to know fairly well, our friendship doesn't stop here (you can't get rid of me that easily ), and no doubt I'll still be talking to y'all on Facebook or Skype or some other shit.

So yeah, goodbye for now...maybe I'll be back in future, who knows. Until then, thanks for being awesome guys and gals
Date Leaving: June 8
Length of absence (or date you'll be back): June 13
Reason or comments (totally optional): Mission Trip. I won't have any internet, so I will be absent on the forums as well as on the servers.
Date Leaving: June 20
Length of Absence (or date you'll be back): June 30
Reason or comments (totally optional): Road-tripping with my wife to Washington DC and NYC. Def won't have MC, but might check the forums now and again on my phone.
Date Leaving: June 20
Length of Absence (or date you'll be back): June 24
Reason or comments (totally optional): Visiting grandparents. I will have internet, so I'll probably check the forums.
Date Leaving: See below
Length of Absence: Every Thursday from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Reason or comments: I'm a member of the USAF Auxiliary, that's our weekly meeting night.
Date Leaving: Next week
Length of Absence: End of Summer
Reason or comments: Reduced activity due to the start of my internship But I will still be on in the evenings and weekends

Date Leaving: July 7th
Length of Absence: 2 weeks
Reason or comments: In Italy, will have no minecraft access, maybe some forums access
Last edited:
Date Leaving: Oops I kind of already left
Length of Absence (or date you'll be back): I dunno
Reason or comments (totally optional): I didn't intend on going away. The last few weeks, or month, have been a blur and it's suddenly the end of June and I've barely been on the server. Dealing with irl things at the moment, I'll come on when I can.
Date leaving: tomorrow
Length of absence: 2 weeks
Reason: Going to Angle-land for shakespeare stuff
Date leaving: Monday June 30th
Length of absence: 1 and a half weeks
Reason: I'm going to stay in a cabin by a lake yay.
Note: I have no internet (not even phone) so I won't be on for a while. I will have my laptop though so expect to see some plugin work done. (Might be very small though)
From: Monday 30th of June 2014
To: Not entirely sure, hopefully till Thursday 3rd of July or Friday 4th of July
Why?: My monitor's HDMI port burnt out and i am replacing it, however the faulty monitor is being sent back tomorrow morning whilst i have 5 working days to wait for my new one to arrive. So i am not sure when i will be on, but will be spending the time to get out and about.
From: Wednesday July 2nd
To: Sunday July 6th
Why: Camping trip
Also I will be going on another trip a few days after that, won't be really back until July 30th
Date Leaving: 21.05, a month ago /:
Length of Absence (or date you'll be back): 06.08 }:
Reason or comments (totally optional): i'm working at the Bad Hersfelder Festspiele, musicals open air, sound engineering. Got no Internet access in this dump. Don't even have mobile reception here... ):
Date Leaving: July 8
Length of absence (or date you'll be back): July 22
Reason or comments (totally optional): going away on holiday to Kos, Greece. Might be able to be on at times but looks highly unlikely. Also, I need a break from life. Adios amigos! (P.s if you have complaints, please send them to sugarkoala a.k.a lizzy or @totalbiscuit on twitter)
Date Leaving: July 14th
Length of absence (or date you'll be back): July 19
Reason or comments: Will not be totally gone, but I will be dead on the forums, and only ever on the server in the evening, and possibly hardly there at all. The reason for this is I will be shipped off to a day camp for this week and unfortunately it only ends at 6pm.
Date Leaving: later today.
Length of Absence (or date you'll be back): Either monday, or wednesday next week.
Reason or comments (totally optional): Away with family.
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