• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Cancelled FrozenWeevil45's Artist Application 2.0


Is going on an adventure!
Date Joined: I first joined MCME in the summer of 2020, with a different account. I rejoined under my new account, (old one got lost), on May 15th in 2022.

w0rldunder: Setpieces
Smaugh_Niphredil: AylaJob
Rudolphius: BuildDayA&U
Rudolphius: AUSmoothing6
w0rldunder: stilted_house_building

Theme Builds: Witcher Theme!

Additional builds: I have done lots of work on Tol Sirion in freebuild, so here's some screenshots of it!
I used to mainly play the Bedrock version of Minecraft, so here's some things I've built from there.

Update 1: Random Build Things

My Interests: Without a doubt, my favorite style to build in on MCME is Gondorian. Even in the category of Gondorian, there are so many different ways for a build to come together, with different angles and fluidity, and many ways for form to come together. I love making large structures with depth and unique aspects in which the details serve to highlight the overall shape of the build, which is definitely an aspect of Gondorian. If I'm being fully honest, MCME has always been my style in a way. I started building around 2020, and have always gravitated towards fantasy styles, and thus am intwined with the style of MCME.

My Motivation: Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's work is extremely influential to me and my writing, and is one of my favorite pieces of literature. Seeing it built in a medium as dynamic and immersive as Minecraft is a perfect place for the world of Middle-Earth. The projects that I'm most interested in are Cair Andros, and Minas Morgul, though I'm happy to help with any project.
Hey Weevil,

So initially good you have some jobs under your belt for starters. Always recommend getting involved with those to understand that basics of mcme projects.

Witcher Theme

+ Good attempt at filling the whole plot
+ Blockmixing and use of vegetation plants

- Open plan ground floor (Try to section different areas off within the building because that will help with room specific details and helps the building structurally as well)
- Flat ceilings (Always try to add details to the ceilings especially if the room is so large, either logs for horizontal detail or slab or stairs...whichever works)
- Flat and undetailed pond bed (Carve this out and add more variety of blocks with more detail. Very flat and uninteresting)
- Detail alongside the pathways as well
More pictures in imgur album to showcase build more


Additional Builds

+ Great to see you work within a project (Not necessarily a officia server project but to work with people and get feedback from them is always great)
+ Gradient usage is quite nice on the wall, good use of the newer plaster bocks to blend with the white
+ Fits the elven aethestic
+ Bedrock builds are quite interesting again lots of gradients and block usage, lots of large scale things

Nice start to your app Weevil. What I would suggest moving forward is that you could try a couple things. Since you describe enjoying the gondorian style, maybe we could see a build in plotsquared either a small town or a village possibly. Fill the whole plot up with lots of detail and express why you like this style. I would also suggest either asking any current project leaders for some mainworld plots, its good to get a few of those done and uploaded onto the app. Potential to try some concepts for these projects in freebuild too.

Quite a few options regarding your steps forward, mostly down to you to see what you enjoy building and go from there.

Hope this feedback helps and apologies that its quite late

- Mershy
Thank you for the advice, and sorry for my not noticing it. I’ll begin the plotsquared as soon as I can.
Also, I have participated in more jobs:
w0rldunder- AnduinBoats
Rudolphius- A&Usmoothing9
and the 12th anniversary Agar and Udul build day.
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