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Forum Update Summer 2024 - Xenforo 2.3

Forum Update 2024

Hello everyone, a short summarisation of the changes that happened on the forums with the update to Xenforo 2.3
The style that we used became outdated and had visual issues, so you can now change back to MCME Dark.



One of the biggest changes in this release is the addition of Passkeys, these are basically passwordless logins. The secret or private key is kept on your device which I used for the authentication. It can also be a physical usb key or other interface, like Windows Hello (Face recognition) that once you have setup the passkey, will enable you to login with ease.
Passkeys also add extra protection to your account as going through the login process will require the device that you setup passkeys with. This basically acts as a two factor authentication, but without the one time passwords ;)

A Passkey can be added by going to https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/community/account/security and check 'Your Passkeys'.
We don't store your biometric information, that will remain on your device. The only information that is being exchanged are cryptographic keys, and the one on your device happens to be protection by an additional layer (fingerprint, face, etc). If you wish to learn more about Passkeys, you can visit Passkeys Explained: What Is a Passkey and How Do Passkeys Work?

More Improvements
Mostly interesting for us: Everytime a Header is used in a post, it will create an anchor that can be copied. Using this anchor will make the browser navigate the right post. Check it out by hovering over the header here!
More can be found at XF 2.3 - Miscellaneous changes for XenForo 2.3

Image Optimizations
To continue talking about improvements, the image processing has been majorly improved. The website now serves images in the new modern webp format, which is even better than jpeg. Pretty much all the images on the website have been converted by now, this lead to a 43% decrease in disk usage for the images.
However, not all browsers support webp (looking at the slackers who develop Safari, yes you Apple) WebP image format | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
The gains from using webp and the well adaptation of most browsers justifies the use of webp.

What happened before, was a user uploaded an image to our website (any allowed format) and we would host that image on our server.
What happens now, is that during that the user is making their post and adding a picture to their post, their device will do the resizing automatically before it sends the picture to our server. This offloads some of the processing required to the client.

For more in-depth information, XF 2.3 - Image optimization, enhanced image resizing, and more!

Trending Content
Content that now is trending on the website have their own place in the sidebar.

Embed your content everywhere
Another major addition is the option to embed content from our website to other places. Content on our website can now easily be embedded on other places too.

For example simply pasting the url `https :// www.mcmiddleearth.com/community/threads/who-last-saw-the-ring-event.6151/` will look like:

More information about this can be found at XF 2.3 - Embed your content anywhere

Single Sign On
While interesting for our developers, we probably won't be seeing this for a while. But the forums can be used as authentication platform to log onto other services, this is called Single Sign On. This could be interesting if we were to have other websites or services that (without Single Sign On) would require you to create an additional account. With Single Sign On, this new account can actually be created/logged into by using the forums.

More Featured Content

XF 2.3 now offers the 'Featured Content' functionality to more than just resources. We can now feature threads.

Better payment processing
The website now supports the more modern and better processing methods for Stripe. Paypal for the moment still remains the legacy checkout procedure.

Improved Resources, Search and Media Gallery

Performance boost

Not really that interesting for most of you, but Xenforo removed jQuery and optimised a lot of the codebase to have better performance, especially for mobile devices.
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