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Accepted Foreman application Pants_of_Sindar

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Yellow Flower Puncher
Pants_of_Sindar for Foreman

Minecraft Username:

Date Joined: December 2016, not this account*

Country: The Netherlands

Are you regularly logged on our voice communication (discord)?

Yes, first thing I check when I grab my phone/computer is Discord.

Do you actively speak on our voice communication?


Do you have any particular skills?

I’m really good (and I enjoy it too) with working with others, doesn’t matter where they are from. My communication skills are high, because I have to deal with it really often in real life. I always want to have fun and I want to make people who surround me as happy as possible, which I will carry out in jobs (if I am accepted ). I’m really interested in MCME (I’m the photographer from the MCME Times as well) and I really want to contribute some more (I can be of more help by getting the Foreman rank).

I can deal with the many styles here on the server, and I can tell (from experience) that I’m a really quick learner, who wants to learn more and more (and more ).

I know pretty much from the lore, I read quite a lot of books from the lore (Silmarillion, unfinished tales, …etcetera.) which I enjoy a lot.

As I wrote here before, I really love learning, but what I even like more, is to see someone else learning, with some help from me. Isn’t that a fantastic feeling when you know that you taught someone something? Well, I love that feeling!

I also ran some jobs in and around my Moria halls which I enjoyed a lot, I’m looking forward to continue this in the future.

Why are you applying for this rank?

First time when I joined, I was really considering for which rank I would go for: Artist or Guide. Some days later I heard about a rank, whit both things, Artist and Guide. And that wasn’t even the best, no no, the best was that you could (eventually) lead small things, and last but not least: you could make jobs!

Another reason why I’m applying is that I never, yes never, see a job running. Seeing asking Commoners and adventures for jobs and knowing that you can’t help them is really heartbreaking. When I will be a Foreman, I will lead plenty of jobs, so it’s fun for commoners and adventures too, who will maybe get more involved (and maybe go for the other ranks) in our awesome community. I’m one of the most active members at our server, and I think I can be more useful with all the time when I’m online.

Some screenshots or pictures of you build attached:

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

*I was first one account, with @lolbroek108 (my twin brother) and after some months, we finally got a new account: lolpants108 (see artist application) and changed my name (to Pants_of-Sindar) to avoid confusing with teleporting to me/lolbroek.

I hope you will take my application into considering!



But you can call me Pants!
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hey pants,

thank you for this application,
first off, i would like to say that you are at the moment a very dedicated builder, and also quite active, this is offcource things that all candidates for foreman need.
But an aspect that i havent seen a lot with you yet is leading work on a certain build or project
most of the time people who apply for foreman have already done several jobs and have communicated with discord with the adventurers involved, this also makes it easier for you to be promoted.
So what i would suggest is kinda of a small test trial job, this will boost your chances of becoming a foreman.
If you give me a date that would be suited for you i can set up a bigger job in moria(since this is an area where you are working most of the time)and then you can get some more experience you need for this rank.


Maybe this weekend?
I also did a job already in my hall via discord, but I would love to do another one!
Boys @Patrick_0901 and @Darki chill you are both insignificant anyway. Anyway lol2 I suggest running jobs to practice cause when doing a trial job they are usually big and get quite hard to make everyone work together and work effictivly together so think of ways you could do that and put them to test by asking an designers or Foreman if you can lead a job to practice.

Goodluck tho
I already did a trial trial job (thanks BWOT), And I mean to do more in the following days!
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Major update (whoohoo)!!!

I ran a job via Discord with (here it comes)
@Alpacalama @AlbinoEx @BWOT @Dathvaderjunkie @iiariaii @Matthias @sawApenguin @Rulonduman @St0rmkeeper.
We built the fields roads just outside New Town (Dol Amroth) a day ago.
Some screenshots (It also includes some extras) : Imgur

Thanks to the foremen for making the job possible!

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Hello, your application has been reviewed and we are moving this application to the Trial Stage! Congratulations, this is one step closer to the Foreman rank.

What does this mean?
The Trial Stage is where you will be overseen by a player who already holds the Foreman Rank or Instructor. They will run trial jobs for you and you will lead them but with their supervision. They will give you tips on what you should improve and work on. They will be with you until they think you are ready to fulfill the rank. When this happens; they will contact me and we will have you Final Trial Job. This will be a lot more strict than previous trial jobs.

What I want you to work on:
-Realism in Building
-Faster Building
-Clearer Communication

Hopefully being in this Trial Stage will help in clearer communication. In order to work on Realism in building: I would suggest, doing a building at /warp Architecture and also researching about Realism in Medieval Structures (Might even be an idea to create a realism guide with your findings). To work on the aspect of faster building; it just takes practice.

Foreman Instructor: @dav3ck

Good luck!
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