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Finished Flower Power

Should we reorganize the flowers across RPs to unify them?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 77.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters


One Of Us, One of Us
As per request of Mr @Despot666 , I have begun work on updating our flower textures so they look a wee bit nicer (in my opinion at least). I will continue to update this thread throughout the week so please stay tuned. Overall, the flowers I create seek to maintain similar color schemes and flower types as to not overly disturb their current use.

This plan also involves some reorganizing of which flower is which. If this plan is approved, I will be leading a project to make sure there are no flower derps (a simple step by step check of locations).

As always, Feedback is encouraged and appreciated


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Aren't there already orange colored flowers in 1.8?
I believe we are already using all 1.8 flower blocks, I do not see any available.

Thorns and brambles
Due to the fact that many of these flowers are used in god knows where, I think it may be best to hold off on the thorns and brambles until we have a new vegetation block. I would be happy to design it though once the spot opens up.

Butterfly Weed. It's orange, and its from my home state, and I dont live in texas, just ignore where the website is from
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin
These are really pretty, I think I will try this one :) Would be nice to add some color variation in our flowers..
@Fireinferno13 I used a lot of the white flower in Lothlorien and liked it very much.
I like your version too higher resolution is very good for the flowers. Only the blossoms look too small to me now. Could you try to make them a bit larger? I'm not sure if that will look good. If not, you could also try to add some more blossoms.
For the dandelion I also would wish for a bit more yellow.
The blue flower looks awesome.

I would not unify all flowers in all texture packs. They represent very different climate zones. Some flowers should be equal for good blending between rp's. Some others should be unique in every pack.


Above are the "current" versions of my flower pack. Feedback is appreciated and all textures are subject to change. I have a few more to do however the current list is as follows: dandelion, poppy, blue orchid*, azure bluet**, orange tulip*, white tulip**.

* I move the blue flower from the "orange tulip" to "orchid" slot, to make room for the wildflower. I think this follows common sense. I will be checking with staff where the blue flower was used (ie: Lothlorien) to make sure that the change is either okay or if they would like me to personally fix it (which I am more than happy to).

** I would like to use the new "white tulip" bush across all RPs, which means moving the Rivendell Rocks to the "azure bluet" slot. I think the bush is more versatile than the flower so it would make more sense. If approved (@Finrod_Amandil ) I can fix the disruptions.

Another note, @Finrod_Amandil was Athelas found throughout Middle Earth or just in Eriador? If so we can move it to the other RPs to occupy the "oxeye daisy" slot.

Please note, if I moved flower slots I will fix any disruptions it has caused. I am keeping track of all changes and will be double checking locations in the coming week to make sure that I do not miss anything.

More textures to come ;)
I like those flowers very much. :)
But for Lothlorien I would wish for something special.
I used the low yellow and white flower in Lothlorien for Elanor and Niphredil which Frodo saw at Cerin Amroth:
The Fellowship of the Ring - Lothlorien said:
At the feet of the trees, and all about the green hillsides the grass was studded with small golden flowers shaped like stars. Among them, noding on slender stalks, were were other flowers, white and palest green.
Could you make a flower more like pale Niphredil for Lothlorien? The yellow is good for Elanor, but some special Elanor only for Lothlorien pack would be great too.

Another note, @Finrod_Amandil was Athelas found throughout Middle Earth or just in Eriador? If so we can move it to the other RPs to occupy the "oxeye daisy" slot.

Athelas is found in Gondor too it's growing there even better than in Eriador. The herbsmaster of Minas Tirith didn't had some when Aragorn asked for it to heal Merry, Eowyn and Faramir. But there was found some as people used it as a kind of household remedy.
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Reading your post is a bit confusing, a clear list where I could see all texture changes you'd like to undertake may be helpful :p (for each pack, and where the new texture is clearly different than the old ones and where not) The flowers look very very nice and I am more than happy to give these a spot in the RPs!
I like those flowers very much. :)
But for Lothlorien I would wish for something special.
I used the low yellow and white flower in Lothlorien for Elanor and Niphredil which Frodo saw at Cerin Amroth:
Could you make a flower more like pale Niphredil for Lothlorien? The yellow is good for Elanor, but some special Elanor only for Lothlorien pack would be great too.

Yup! For now I submitted the above textures as "placeholders", however, I will create unique Lothlorien textures for you when I have time.

Reading your post is a bit confusing, a clear list where I could see all texture changes you'd like to undertake may be helpful :p (for each pack, and where the new texture is clearly different than the old ones and where not) The flowers look very very nice and I am more than happy to give these a spot in the RPs!
Yes I realize it is very confusing, took me a solid hour of writing everything out on paper before I was sure that there were no errors in my flower pack implementation! I have already submitted it via github, but I can assure you that my flowers will not impede on current textures (ie: rivendell rocks, ferns, etc). If there is a problem that arises, nothing a quick pull request can fix ;)

I will likely design a "Flower Pack v2" to address the remaining textures in the next month or so. I dont want to burn myself out texturing else things start to look too similar :P Plus im working on a fancy new beets texture for 1.9
Hey fire, so here at last what I did with your pull requests and why: What I did was that I did revert all changes that would have exchanged existing textures (everything else I did add). The reason simply is that I prefer sorting out eventual conflicts beforehand rather than changing the RP's and then fix stuff ingame.
More concretely I would like you to first check where and how the old flower textures were used, for my part quite a few conflicts do arise with the changes.

One I did already show you with the dandelion flowers in the gladden fields. I really like the concept of these marshes as it is now and would prefer not having to throw it all over board again for the sake of a new texture.

Another conflict are the, if I remember correctly, orange tulip and houstonia. I have been using these as gentian and edelweiss in the misties, and the new textures, especially the one for the orange tulip, is a lot different. I know that you promised to exchange any flowers on the map that do no longer fit, but be aware that it'll be quite a task finding all of these in the misties...

So long story short: I'll happily add your textures, when those kind of uncertainties have been identified and solved a bit more clearly.
Lothlorien Flowers: @Eriol_Eandur has requested that I create some flower variants for Loth specifically, here are current thoughts and I would appreciate feedback from all you lore buffs.

- Elanor: adjust current houstonia flower, lore describes these flowers as star shaped with either/both silver and gold flowers.

-Nimphredil: adjust current white tulip (the large bush with small white flowers), the name means snow drop so I will adjust the flowers to droop downward instead

Dandelion: @Finrod_Amandil requested I make a dandelion texture that fits with his stacked marsh plant things. Self explanatory.
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Dandelion: @Finrod_Amandil requested I make a dandelion texture that fits with his stacked marsh plant things. Self explanatory.

I've got a special idea for these:

Make the texture overlapping one block down from it's hitbox, so that it overlays with the tall grass blocks they're placed on. (somewhat similar to the statue blocks in the Moria packs that are 3 blocks tall but have only a 1x1 hitbox)

Concept image: (Red: texture size, yellow and dark green: what's part of your texture, blueish green: The double tall grass texture (not part of your texture)

Reason: With this we would be flexible to make the plants as high as we want (using stacked grass) and still the flowers would not only be ontop of the grass, but also extend a bit further downwards. Furthermore this should also work if placed on the ground; the lower half of the texture then just would not be visible.

A second idea I had with this was concerning reeds. It might be possible to have plants IN water by having the texture extend beyond it's hitbox downwards, so that you'd place (i.e. using voxel) the plant directly ontop of the water, and the texture would extend one block down from there. I tried it with that statue from the Moria pack:

Would be possible to place the blocks ontop of water by hand with Architect plugin. Needs only a small addition to the special block placement listener.

But this brought me to two more ideas:
  • We can place plants everywhere underwater using item blocks
  • We can place plants at the bottom of water bodies using new blocks with textures extending one block up into the water.
Didddnt we finish Lothlorien a long time ago?
Yes - but updating these two textures would vastly improve the lore accuracy of the build. It would require no change on the building side as it would replace the plants that are already in place.
Textures so far (would appreciate either feedback or approval) @Eriol_Eandur

Elanor was a golden, star-shaped flower that grew in abundance in the forest of Lórien.[1] Samwise Gamgee thought highly of the flower and, at Frodo's suggestion, named his eldest daughter, Elanor Gardner, from it.[2]

It was like "a pimpernel (perhaps a little enlarged) growing sun-golden flowers and star-silver ones on the same plant, and sometimes the two combined".[3]


Niphredil is a Sindarin name for "Little pallor", from nipred ("pallor") and the ending il. The name may also mean "Snowdrop".
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