- When did you join? Feb 2021
- What is your current rank? Commoner
- Do you regularly use our voice communication? - I regularly use it to listen, particularly when there is a job going on, and will likely begin to talk on it swell in the future
- Why would you like this badge?- I really want to make a contribution to the server and feel mini games are one of the best ways to involve new adventures. I am always asking for other people to host them so I thought I should take on some of the responsibility myself in hosting them for others. I am very active on the server at the moment and would like to have a role on the server in terms of starting mini games, also I know a lot of new adventurers are unaware of what mini games are possible on the server, so I would like to regularly ask/offer to start some if there are a few adventurers online. Aswell as the amazing world that is being built on this server, there is also a very strong community and I feel that mini games bring together the two of those as you can appreciate the builds whilst engaging whilst playing mini games with others.