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In Progress Emyn Muil



-:{~{ Emyn Muil }~}:-

Project Leader: @PacifistFighter
Project Co-Lead: @mattlego
Project Staff: @barteldvn ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Current Stage: Terrain Concepting/Fixing in Section 1
Overall Progress: 5%

Introduction: For those unfamiliar, the Emyn Muil are the hills in the south of Rhovanian, which the Anduin run through, and through which the fellowship pass landmarks such as Amon Hen, The Argonath, and the Falls of Rauros. Thanks to @Itai007 and @TheSweViking we already have a lot of beautiful world machine terrain, which will be the base for the terrain work that needs to be done. We will be creating this in the Human Resource pack (/rp h), which may at some point also include the forest update, and we will add vegetation at that point. We will also be creating a new Amon Hen, Argonath Statues, and any other smaller ruins or camps deemed lore accurate (possibly none).

Lore: This is a very important location to the lore, and as such we will need to be cautious to follow it at all times possible. Thankfully, @TheStephen and @HoverKing compiled the lore for the region a while back, and we will be using this document as our basis for creating the Emyn Muil. I won't bore you with all of the lore in this page, so I'll link the documents, and briefly share some important info (mostly regarding terrain, as this is the current project stage. I will continue to add more to this post when we are closer to working on the structures) .

- The south, east, and west sides of the emyn muil's borders are made by cliffs, raising the southern portion into a plateau. This plateau holds the Anduin, as well as the Nen Hithoel (The lake), which empties through the falls of rauros to continue the flow of the anduin.

- The west side of the Emyn Muil is known as the east wall of Rohan, one large shelf of cliffs which is only passable through a ravine (This is what the fellowship used to follow the orcs which had taken merry and pippin)

- Before the Anduin reaches the Argonath and Nen Hithoel, it passes through a rocky/rapids section which is impassible by boat, where the fellowship were attacked, called the Sarn Gebir.

- At the south end of the Nen Hithoel, just before the falls of Rauros, there is a rock spire which is described as high and unscalable (no man has set foot on the top) called Tol Brandir.

Lore Document

Project Plan:
The current focus of work will be on the terrain, specifically on the Anduin itself. Lots of opportunity for jobs here as well as plots for some trickier sections, if commoners want to improve their terrain skills. Like a few other projects, I will try to focus on the direct fellowship path first and then go to the edges of the region once we finish the main points of interest, and to do this I split the project into three main sections. Section one will be the first priority as the strip in the middle of the Emyn Muil, containing the Anduin, Rauros, Amon Hen, and the Argonath. Sections 2 and 3 will be the west and east sides of the Emyn Muil, respectively. That will mostly be terrain work with less server importance and has a lower priority. I am also currently working on concepting a new Amon Hen, and Rauros; If any artists or artist applicants are interested in helping making a concept for either, feel free to shoot me a DM on discord, or catch me in game.

The general order of building will be as follows, this is prone to change based on what concepting is done at what time, and just how I'm feeling about the project progress.

1. Section 1 terrain. (Progress: 15%)
Right now most work will be going into this section, other than concepting for Rauros at the moment. I will be doing a lot of World Edit on the terrain surrounding the Anduin, both to reshape certain sections and to fix WorldMachine weirdness. If any artists want to try their hand or learn how to do terrain, as well as any commoners who want to learn, please reach out, there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone. Eventually this section, or at least everything adjacent to the river, and the river itself will need to be hand detailed, more than any other section.

Current work available:
- For Foremen: Gravel jobs, Small Streams, possible hand detailing work
- For Artists/Commoners: Cliff detailing, river detailing, and larger scale (Possible World Edit necessary) sections.

2. Rauros (progress: 0%)
Current work available: concepting

3. Amon Hen/ Amon Lhaw
4. Argonath
5. Section 2 terrain
6. Section 3 terrain

If anyone has questions, or would like to help, please dm @PacifistFighter on discord (or catch me while I'm working).


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How wide with River Anduin be in the Emyn Muil? Below Rauros it's about 100 blocks wide but the valley in Emyn Muir looks more like there will be a 10-20 blocks wide river. Even when considering that a more swift flowing river will be less wide. To me this seems to be quite a mismatch.

I also thought about Tol Brandir.
The inspriational images above don't fit well with the description in the book where Tol Brandir has a lot of trees with steep cliffs directly at the water and at the summit. So I would do the lowest 10 blocks very steep (Erosion from the river) then less steep slopes with a lot of trees (one head above another) and then a rocky summit. I made a very rough shape out of gray wool (mostly for size, no details)

Also it was located more to the north compared with Amon Lhaw and Amon Hen, so I would not place it directly at the top of Rauros fall. The image of Ted Nasmith with the boat of Boromir reflects that best imo:
At the far southern end rose three peaks. The midmost stood somewhat forward from the others and sundered from them, an island in the waters, about
which the flowing River flung pale shimmering arms.
[The Fellowship of the Ring - The Great River]
Frodo and Sam even cross the river south of Tol Brandir:
Even with such help as Sam could give, it was hard work to pass across the current at the southward end of the island and drive the boat eastward towards the far shore.
[The Fellowship of the Ring - The Breaking of the Fellowship]
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