Worthy of Mordor
Filename: double_plant_fern_bottom double_plant_fern_top
Resource Pack: Lothlorien
Texture description: A large fern, partially suggested in this thread
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I want to point out that if you are a texture artist and have made a better/different texture that I have be sure to post your own topic. =D I'm not a fantastic texture artist. MCME needs more texture artists. Even if you think your texture is mediocre - post it anyway, the build artists might prefer your design. =D
Resource Pack: Lothlorien
Texture description: A large fern, partially suggested in this thread
Texture image:
Ingame image:
Additional Concept Image:
I want to point out that if you are a texture artist and have made a better/different texture that I have be sure to post your own topic. =D I'm not a fantastic texture artist. MCME needs more texture artists. Even if you think your texture is mediocre - post it anyway, the build artists might prefer your design. =D
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