Worthy of Mordor
Filename: double_plant_rose_bottom.png
Resource Pack: Gondor (If needed I can submit this texture to all the packs)
Texture description: A rose bush.
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? This texture has already been implemented in many builds using the vanilla minecraft rose bush texture. The shape and colours will not clash with an update to this double plant. It will make builds look better.
Texture image:
Resource Pack: Gondor (If needed I can submit this texture to all the packs)
Texture description: A rose bush.
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? This texture has already been implemented in many builds using the vanilla minecraft rose bush texture. The shape and colours will not clash with an update to this double plant. It will make builds look better.
Texture image: