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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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Canceled DarthXander314's Guide Application

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Is going on an adventure!
Minecraft Username : DarthXander314
Date Joined : 07 November 2020
What country are from / What time do you usually play online: US / Varies, but most commonly between 1800-0400 ET
Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes
Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes

Why would you like to be a Guide? Since joining the server, I have known that I eventually wanted to become a Guide, as long as I could commit the time and energy toward it for the fairness of everyone else, and that is now the case, and will be for the foreseeable future. While many may focus on Artists and Designers as crucial elements to the server (and they certainly are), I believe the Guide role can be overlooked due to it's lack of building requirements, but in reality, Guides are just as essential a resource to the community as a whole. In particular, I believe that I have a very complimentary set of skills to those needed to be a Guide, and I love using my talents to build up others in any community I am a part of. While I have enjoyed playing in and running minigames such as Lore Quizzes and Races the most, I am also happy to provide Hide&Seek and PVP when it is desired, and I can run a mean and very unique Tour. But perhaps most importantly, I love helping members, especially Newbies and Adventurers find their way around the server and connect with the community as a whole, and I believe that having a position as a Guide would allow me to do just that, and not to a small degree because I am active partly when there are far less Team Members (such as Guides) around.

What makes a great Guide according to you? Being a Great Guide to me means attention to member's desires and needs, particularly New Members and Adventurers who may not know the server or about Tolkien Lore as well. A Great Guide is one who will strive to greet new players, as well as establish themselves as a go-to resource for both server knowledge and recreation for times when the activity level on the server may seem dull. This chiefly entails being ready and willing to run minigames and the occasional tour, as well as pvp, but more importantly I see a Great Guide being someone who makes the community a joy to be around by their attitude and presence, not only in the Minecraft world, but also in the Discord server.

What are your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the Guide role? My strengths as a guide would come primarily from my attention to newer members, backed up by my 9 years of experience as a Manager within my department at my University, and three years as the Facilitator of a campus organization (including being the primary MC and Discord admin). I am willing to sit and listen to individuals, but also ready to address the group whenever needed. I am a Professional bass, and so I am willing to speak in crowds without too much hassle, although I prefer smaller groups. I love to engage people with minigames, primarily lore Quizzes and races, but I am also content to run tours, and when I do I always prepare so that I am (hopefully) not flustered or stumped along the route. My largest weakness in regards to being a Guide would be that I often fret needlessly over things that I am less comfortable with, and so it may take me a while to get used to PvP and to a lesser extent, knowing server lore for Tours, however, I am willing to ask for help when needed, or refer questions to other persons if I cannot answer them myself.

What experience have you had on MCME? I have been on the server for over a year, and active for a few months. In my time here I have spent much of the time exploring the server, as well as participating in community events such as readings, treasure hunts, ring hunts, tours and minigames. I have also in that time been extremely active on both the server and in Discord by greeting and guiding Adventurers, as well as leading minigames every 1-2 days over the last couple weeks. I also recently earned the Tour badge through my Tour of Tombs which received fairly high praise, and have participated in many jobs and builds such as the Anduin riverbed (retexturing the shoreline with special care to tributaries along the way), revamping several roads, revamping the walls of Osgiliath, learning to make custom trees, and more recently, adding roadside features to Harlond and being instructed on the use of armor stands. I am also extremely active in chat and in voice, willing to engage not only in banter, but also server lore (primarily to learn) and more serious topics.
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