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Accepted Daddlio

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Moria Hall Professional
Minecraft Username : Daddlio_Estelion
Date Joined : May 2013
Country: Germany

Are you regularly logged on Teamspeak/Discord?
Yes to Discord - and used to to TS.
As I use Discord in browser (and safe my tabs) I'm automaticly online when my PC is powered. ;)
When playing MC it also allways waits on my second screen (just like Dynmap and Forums) for instant use if required.

Do you actively speak on Teamspeak?
Used to be more active on TS (even regulary entertained the music-channel ...RIP).
But have no problem in just using Discord as active as TS before.
(Just didnt do by now, since i dont like it as much... but thats another topic right :p )
Regardless of the fact that I didnt talk to much lately, i actually like talking to/with people in fact.

Also important: My english skills are good enough. (...atleast compared to the german average I think ;) )

Do you have any particular skills?
I'm quite good in understanding tasks quickly. Also I think I'm good in not just replicating things, but rather see and adapt the underlying principles. Therefore i have a good basis for explaining these particual things to others.

Explaining in general is something I can and like to do, as I love the idea of helping people to learn and achieve something. In this specific case contributing to the server.
As I can look at a matter from different angles I feel that I often can find the words people need to understand something.

In terms of building I'm pretty used to the servers style by now and also are quite confident especially with basic things like rivers, roads, walls, houses and general terrainwork (which will be main subject of many jobs after all).

When it comes to standards, I think i have high requirements to the things i do.
That might sometimes lead to me beeing a bit strictly when explaining or supervising stuff, but not in a harsh way.

Why are you applying for this rank?
To summarize and conclude the allready stated points:

- I like building and contributing to this beautiful server and community!

- I would like helping others to do the same!

- I'm able to explain even complex tasks as I quickly understand how things work and want to pass on what I learned and know.

Here are some extra reasons:

- Designers have put trust in my skills as jobleader before (e.g. Roads, Farmwalls, Derpfixing, Streams, ...).

- I might not be the best Artist when it comes to very complex details and stuff, but I really like the work that helps making progress on the map in generel. I could achieve that even better with hosting jobs and thus helping projects to get the overall frame/structures done faster (so that work on details can be done by other artists then).

- I allready feel like half a guide, as i seem to do theire job when there are new players and no guide is around. This also has to do with me beeing a helpful guy. I just like to make people comfortable with theire visit on our server and getting them involved (through jobs and maybe even minigames) and interested.
So getting the abilities to do so even better with the Foreman rank would be really nice.

- Contributing to server is one thing, but I also like contributing to the Community. You might have noticed me taking part in some important discussions, where i try to eveluate pros and cons of topics. I feel like I could enrich this even better with my reflectiv mind in the position of a Foreman.
As an extra bit on this point i would really like to help planning events. :)

- (Actualy this point is kinda selfishly :p ) As I'm striving for a job in which I interact with people by teaching and motivating them to be creative, it would be awesome to try out what i allready learned and also use this rank to practice that even further.

Some screenshots or pictures of your build attached:
This is a small pick of things i built that might be matter of jobs. (Most of that - except the DA-stuff - while actually beeing "inactive" due to my time in the jungle last year.)

P.S.: I dont have too much time to spent on the server due to University. But still manage to be online !at least! 3-4 times a week. I would aim for doing at least 2 jobs a week and if possible more (+maybe an extra tour/minigame if i feel like it).

Thx for reading and have a great day :)
You need a bit coaching about fluid dynamics of rivers:
At the outer side of a bed a river is usually quite deep and the bank is steep and the river is eroding material. At the inner side of a bend material is depositied resulting in a shallow bank and water. The river near Dol Amroth could be improved in this way. ;)

Seriously, I really like your work on rivers and roads. Please take what I wrote above as constructive criticism on very high level.

Very impressive application :)
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I actualy only made the shape of that one. The depth on that one was done by thomas with a job.
And thx for the compliment :D Its what i learned from you! (So i allreadly know about the steep/shallow thing) ;)
Actually that would be Darki´s fault, as he not properly checked up on the job. I will fix this by hand later.
Hey Daddlio and thank you for your application to the Foreman rank!

Please forgive me the delay it took to reply to your application! The staff team has looked through all applications and has picked a few players who we think would make a great group of first Foremen. I am happy to announce that you are among the closer candidates! In order to show us your skills in leading jobs, as well as getting to know your personality a bit better we (@DynoDaring and I) would like to invite you to a trial job, followed by a quick interview.

At this point we'd like to ask you to check your Agenda for when you would be available, best somewhere around the weekends. Please make a few (3 - 4) suggestions for date + time and if we find one where either Dyno or me is available we can schedule the event accordingly. As soon as the date is set I'll be looking out for a job you can lead as well as announce the event publicly in order to have some more people show up for it!

Sincerely, Finrod_Amandil
Hey Finrod,

Thanks for the reply! :)
I'm happy to be amog the "chosen" ones!

I could arrange pretty much the whole two upcoming weekends, as my only dutys for the next weeks are learning for tests and concerts (I assume its not much different for you at the end of a semester).
Hey Daddlio,

Please forgive me the long waiting time! Now, if you're spontanous we can hold the trial job plus interview this weekend already, both saturday and sunday would work for me pretty much all day long european times. Only exception is the time frame sunday 7pm to ca. 8/9pm where another Foreman trial is already set.

Regarding what job you'd lead: Multiple staff have already presented available jobs, but unfortunately without a lot of explanations. So @Thijs1801, @Eaglz24, @Beathaven, @Despot666, @Darki whoever of you is fastest with explaining what the job you can offer is about in detail can hand it down to Daddlio ;)
Else I will organise a job myself :)

So, if you would like to take a time this weekend already, please say so! In either case: Sorry again for the delay!

~ Finrod
I think its too late and too spontanous for today, but tomorrow should work fine! :)
I can do before or after thomas, however u like ;)

And dont worry about beeing busy! i understand that really good :P
Tbh I only have unecessary slave work that could be voxelled 10x faster (don't tell my job slaves that). Just the forest ground work in north Belfalas, that includes making the bushes and then flowering and some misc animal stuff.
I think its too late and too spontanous for today, but tomorrow should work fine! :)
I can do before or after thomas, however u like ;)

And dont worry about beeing busy! i understand that really good :p
Alright, awesome :) So my suggestion would be after thomas, as I gotta fear else we may get interrupted by a "call for dinner" on my end :p I would suggest 9pm GMT, so that we surely have no conflicts with thomas' trial
Uhm... Could we nevertheless have it before?? I just got some rl-thing for the evening.
We could do early enough, so a dinner-break is possible.

If you dont like that I still would have time on Tuesday and Thursday evening as well as the next weekend then.

Sry for the inconveniences :(
yeah, ill be online, just log in whenever you're available and then we can start it, there's just a certain risk we gotta take a break halfway through or so...
So, shall we have a go at it this weekend? I'm still available at both evening, if we do it on saturday we should just make sure not to tangent TI's audiobook.
Daddlio's Trial Job:

Your job will be to ruin the remaining part of the the King´s Way. I have started the ruining progress with making big voxel holes for major damage in the hall. Most of these have been finished, but some of them will need to be perfected. You can find the hall by using the /warp m3 command. Before you start the job, I would like you to fly through the hall and take a good look on the things that need to be done.

What will the job consist off:

  • Finish the major damage holes in wall/ceiling/floor (These wil be marked with orange wool)
  • Create minor damage to wall, ceiling floor and pillars
  • Adding dust by putting WOOL BLOCKS on the floor (these will be changed into dust by one of our fantastic designers)
  • Ruining of all the corridors leading away from the King's Way
All the task that need to be fulfilled for a successful job:

  • Clear explanation towards adventures/commoners what is expected of them.
  • Good knowledge of Realistic damage in Moria (remember that if you remove blocks they should be put on the floor to give it a realistic look)
  • Checking up on those who join the job (not all work will be of the expected quality, it will be your job to guide the adventurer/commoner so the build will fulfill your expectation)

Good luck with your trial job!

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