ConfusedLlama, contrary to his own name, is a well known and loved by all, Guide that has proven himself to be quite capable when it comes to fulfilling his duty in the MCME Community during these 9 months and 20 days he has been on the server. One would be very impressed by the Guide skills he has shown when it comes to tours, events and the like, all while he is simultaneously a friendly and outgoing individual with a gleaming personality that could rival the gleamingest gleams. It would be cruel of to completely forsake his enourmous contribution to the amount of PvP events that he runs at an almost daily basis on the server, entertaining big amounts of people, ranging from regular members to the newly introduced adventurers.
However, for our well known Mr. ConfusedLlama_ to continue with this extraordinarily marvelous endeavor, I personally believe it would be very beneficial to all of us if he were to receive the Voxel Sniper badge. His hard work on PvP maps has already been noticed by the Community, it'd be baffling if it wasn't, and having the badge would accelerate this process by a great deal, allowing for grander scale maps that we will all have the pleasure of enjoying.
Llama made me write this
Your's truly