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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Commoner /tppos


I was having a discussion today on Discord, and the topic of the /Tppos command came up, after a bit of conversation we realised that the /Tppos command doesn't have too many drawbacks if Commoners or even Adventurers had access to it, that could not be solved by slightly modifying a couple of plugins. (Minigames and Jobs)

My suggestion here is to allow Commoners and maybe Adventurers access to the /Tppos command with the following restrictions

  • Permission is removed during Jobs
  • Permission is removed during Races & Hide and Seek

There may be more things that need adjusting but it is a useful command for quickly getting to remote parts of the map and could be quite useful for Commoners to have since it cannot be used to get outside of the border or into separate worlds.
I was having a discussion today on Discord, and the topic of the /Tppos command came up, after a bit of conversation we realised that the /Tppos command doesn't have too many drawbacks if Commoners or even Adventurers had access to it, that could not be solved by slightly modifying a couple of plugins. (Minigames and Jobs)

My suggestion here is to allow Commoners and maybe Adventurers access to the /Tppos command with the following restrictions

  • Permission is removed during Jobs
  • Permission is removed during Races & Hide and Seek

There may be more things that need adjusting but it is a useful command for quickly getting to remote parts of the map and could be quite useful for Commoners to have since it cannot be used to get outside of the border or into separate worlds.
Problem. You can tp outside the world border. Pretty sure that is the main problem why it cant be allowed