• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Commoner Tours


Staff member
Commoner Tours


The aim of this post is to introduce and explain how Commoner Tours will work and why this new format has been implemented.


After the Tour Badge removal there was the need to give Commoners the chance to work closer to the Guide Team getting to know its mission and make them effectively be able to plan and host nice events that would make Community and new players experience better. Furthermore touring has always been something feared by the majority of players on MCME. Hence the decision to implement this new Touring format for Commoners which will be fun, not stressful or too demanding but still more than functional to give an important contribution to our Server. In addition it will promote some cooperation between Commoners who will participate which will benefit their experience.

Format Explanation

There will be a Commoner Tour every month. For each Tour one or more Guides will take the role of Coordinators. Coordinator will send a message in #Commoner-chat on our Discord asking for people interested in hosting the Tour and giving all the needed informations. Commoners who want to take part will just have to send a DM to the Coordinator.

Each Tour will be hosted by a group of around 4 or 5 Commoners, each of them will take care of one segment and will have about a month to be ready. This will make sure they will have more than enough time and won’t be stressed at all.

For each Tour, the Coordinator will create a group chat with all hosts where every useful document or information will be shared and will arrange a small meeting so Commoners can gather interesting ideas for the Tour's topic, decide segments and choose a date and time which works for everyone. As for Tours run by Guides, Commoner Tours can have special topics (for example St. Valentines Tour) and can be of any kind (so tree tours, castle tours etc).

Commoners can rely on Coordinator who will answer to every Touring matter, assist them in case of need, give useful tips on how to improve their touring skills, provide all the needed material and assure there is a positive environment. A practice tour can be requested if Commoners feel it would improve their confidence.

Tour will be performed using the co host feature of the tour plugin and Discord vc.

For any question or concern about Commoner Tours feel free to send me (Artale) a message on Discord!

Commoners, don’t miss this opportunity, see you on your tour!