Also for the Commoner / Member I'd like to offer you the detailed rank layout, and invite you to discuss about it!
The only big question here really is about the name. More nostalgia with Member, or rather the more commonly known Commoner? Vote what you'd prefer above!
Commoner / Member rank layout
The only big question here really is about the name. More nostalgia with Member, or rather the more commonly known Commoner? Vote what you'd prefer above!
Commoner / Member rank layout
[?] Commoner.
[?] Member.
The rank will have no directly supervising Head, as no instructions are necessary and the promotion will be automatic once the required criteria are met (cf. point 7).
In case of Infractions, the rank holders will be judged by any Enforcer.
The main purpose of the rank is to be able to distinguish between very new players and players who already are known by some other community members and have shown that they are motivated to get a fix part of the community by behaving exemplary, i.e. promoting a friendly tone, be helpful, be interested in getting to know the many aspects of MCME, be passionate about Middle-earth, it's locations and stories and so on.
As a reward for showing their interest in the server, the rank holders get access to a few smaller permissions, as listed in point 6.
The rank has no special tasks assigned and does not have to follow any specific rules beside the general Terms of Service and Rules of MCME.
The rank holder is invited to take part in any build and community occasion that is also open to Adventurers, such as:
- Jobs
- Plotbuilds
- Contests
- Tours
- Minigames
and possibly others.
Special to the rank is the access to the Freebuild map (/mvtp freebuild), where one can freely build anything he likes, as long as the ToS and Rules are not infracted on, such as building offending or vulgar things. Additionally there are a few Freebuild rules that have to be followed, such as leaving at least 50 blocks between one's own and foreign build and not to grief other builds, respectively edit other builds without the consent of the intial builder.
Technical specifications:
- Ingame rank display name: [?]Commoner / Member
- Ingame rank color: Blue (█████)
- Forum ribbons: none
- Teamspeak rank / Discord role: Commoner / Member*
- Teamspeak icon: TBA (similar icon with blue overlay)*
*The promotion on TS / Discord can be requested by a staff member after obtaining the rank ingame
Plugin / commands access (which Adventurers will not have):
- /mvtp freebuild
- /warp pcreate
- /sethome, /home
- /pweather
- /ptime
- [?] /gm 3
- [?] /tp <player>
The promotion process will be automated using a custom plugin developped by Eriol_Eandur.
No specific skills are required to get the rank, however what needs to be achieved is to gain some popularity among the longer serving MCME members, namely Artists, Guides and staff members. These ranks are capable of giving votes towards an Adventurer if they'd like to see him get a fix part of the community.
The promotion will happen automatically once the required amount of votes has been gained. This number not yet fixed and is configurable. It will be set to an initial amount and if necessary (if getting the rank is harder or easier than intended) will be tweaked accordingly by the Head Designer or Head Enforcer.
The exact number of votes are not directly visible, however the vanilla minecraft XP bar is used to show the progress towards the promotion. Once the XP bar is filled up, enough votes have been gained.
[?]Before a player gets voteable he needs to voice the interest in getting promoted using the command /vote apply. A formal application on the forums is not necessary.
Demotions from the Commoner rank will only happen as a consequence of rule infractions. No demotions will be made due to insufficient activity.
Repromotions to Commoner do not happen automatically, after having received a demotion to Oathbreaker, the player will go back to the Adventurer rank.
Usually one can get promoted to Commoner again, through the same way as the initial promotion.
[?] Exceptions to this may however be made, for example as consequence for more severe infractions on the Freebuild server.
Players getting demoted from higher ranks, namely Artist, Guide and all staff ranks, due to inactivity, resignation or other not infraction-related reasons will receive the Commoner / Member rank.