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Civilization in Forochel

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Is going on an adventure!
Please disregard this - this is an old thread that was moved here - please look at the other thread: "Suri-Kyla, the Capital of Forochel."
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Another note, I probably should have put this in project applications, but I didn't due to it not being on the "available projects" list.
1) this should indeed be moved to project applications by an enforcer (or other person capable of doing so) and you @Cwshugg should edit the beginning of this post to follow the project application format. there is a place to write that no, this is not on the list of projects
2) see how this works in one of our texture packs, likely eriador. you might have to change things
3) could you put one or two screenshots of inside a tent/tents
Hey there, thanks for the response. You are right, I'll get rid of this post and put it under project applications. I'll also use the correct format.

The tents aren't quite up to par yet, but I will take a screenshot of them ASAP.
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