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Finished Cair Andros Revamp 2.0

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Staff member
~:~|~:~ Cair Andros ~:~|~:~
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Project Leader: Orruss
Co-Leader: barteldvn

Introduction + Lore

So...let's make things simpler. Cair Andros; "Ship of the long-foam", is a fortified island east of Anorien following the Anduin river north from Osgiliath. The first known mentions of Fortifications start from the time of Turin II, 23rd ruling Steward of Gondor, during and after the ordered evacuation of Ithilien. Given his Royal Numenorean descent; not that of Elendil, it is conceivable Turin II would have built a permanent structure, robust and imposing like the structures of said culture that preceded it. During the constant and tireless harrying of the Anduin on the banks of Ithilien by the forces of Sauron, the island remained a crucial strategic position in the defense of Gondor and the watch on the Anduin. The island's banks are normally surrounded by a haze from the harsh flow of the Anduin around the island, with ships lining its banks; as viewed by Frodo and Sam from the field of Cormalen. The island itself gets its name from the foaming water, but also from its shape; "Its northern end of sharp rocks, like a high prow of a ship, split the waters of the upstream Anduin in a bubbling foam, and this gave the island its name". The island was largely covered with trees. The island is "overwhelmed" by Sauron's forces, sent from the Morannon, and taken on March 10th. 3 days later they join the Battle of the Pelennor, while some attempt to block the path of the Rohirrim through Anorien.

ln regards to the importance of Cair Andros (the island) as a location; we know that the Druedain used the island as a crossing point, so we can assume the area was fairly active. It can be presumed that therefore, given its importance after the War of the Last Alliance, Cair Andros would have had some fortifications prior to Turin II. When the beacon of Amon Din was built; the first of the beacon hills, its function was to watch the crossing at Cair Andros, which implies there was no permanent fortification or military presence on the island during and after that time; taking into account that the Gondorians considered the crossing at Cair Andros not only crucial but also vulnerable. However, since it is specifically mentioned that Turin II "fortified the island" any remnants of the original fortifications would possibly be absent today, meaning they were likely temporary structures for the most part, and any permanent structures would have been small and somewhat primitive in appearance due to function, leading Turin II to completely overhaul the sight during his Stewardship.

The Fort will be separated into 3 eras of construction; Turin II, Ecthelion II, and Denethor II.

Turin II:
Fortifications on Turin II's structures will be tight, robust, imposing, extremely distinct, and practical. Consists of a Barracks, Blacksmith, Keep, Beacon, and Ramparts. Within Turin's Tower/Keep he built a hidden sallyport to provide an easy escape should the island ever fall.

Ecthelion II: Ecthelion is said to have used all his power to strengthen Gondor against the forces of Mordor, so it feels remiss if he'd neglected to examine the fortifications at Cair Andros. Around the time he orders the strengthening of Pelargir, he also refortifies Cair Andros. Given his venture of building the Rammas, Ecthelion builds an outer Bailey around the Southern end of his grandfather's (Fortress) like a 'Mini-Rammas Echor'. He also made minor repairs to a Belltower on the southern hill of the island built by Turin at the time of the island's fortification, using a rock formation that protruded from its peak.

Denethor II: Denethor's defensive strategy was all but with limited effect and waning hope. After the populace of Anorien had drastically decreased, some soldiers were relocated to other locations of importance closer to the conflict of Mordor. Some soldiers were diverted to Minas Tirith, Osgiliath, and Southern Gondor, whilst a small company would have been dispatched to reinforce Cair Andros. These troops reside within Ecthelion's Bailey attached to Turin's Fort. In the Two Towers, Faramir and Madril, under the orders of Denethor, oversee the diverting of 500 troops from Osgiliath along the northern River of the Anduin, to be dispersed throughout the Anduin Forts presumably, and to Cair Andros. Roughly 100-150 of those troops would be sent to the island, where they are encamped within a Wooden Palisade erected by Ecthelion towards the end of his Stewardship as an extra defensive measure.

The Crossing: Instead of the visually stunning and popular dual stone bridges that Cair Andros seems to be attributed with; despite no mention of them in Tolkien's addresses to the island, there will be a Ferry system on both sides of the island. Each ferry point with have a Ferryman's hut and Ferryboat along with some horse pens for temporary housing. The Ithilien Ferry point will be completely abandoned, and its ferryboat will be secured on the island. The Anorien ferry point will still be active and maintained. Crossing the Anduin on the ferry will be limited to particular times in the day and depending on the weather; sometimes hindering any attempts at crossing due to the hazardous nature of the split in the river. The Bridges prove to be rather redundant and in Ithilien's case a hindrance to the strategic importance of the island itself.

The Fall of Cair Andros: Tolkien tells us that 6000 Men and Orcs are sent from the Morannon to assault Cair Andros, where the Gondorians are "overwhelmed" and Sauron's forces cross into Anorien after the occupation on 10th March to stop the Rohirrim from reaching Pelennor. The island was most likely undermanned even with the extra troops from Osgiliath and Anorien. With the ships lining the banks, it is possible Sauron's forces built rafts and possibly began burning the ships to get onto the island on the southern side as a makeshift bridge or ford. Turin's Fort would have been sufficiently manned. The extra forces sent by Denethor would have been the main fighting force of footsoldiers on the island, numbering below 200, which would have been easily overwhelmed in hand-to-hand combat. The Fort would have been easy to defend with less than 100 men, however, seeing the rest of the island fall, the remaining forces of Gondor would have used Turin's sallyport to escape the island and back to Minas Tirith to warn them of the fall of Cair Andros


Map 1: Current Map
Screen Shot 2023-11-06 at 16.07.38.png

Map 2: River Shape Proposal


Map 3: Final Detailed Project Map
Cair Andros BULK UPDATE Map.png

- !For Details On The Marked Regions, Please Direct Your Attention To The "BULK Update" Below! -

Status: Fortress Finalisation and Terraforming

- Landscape In Progress
- River In Progress
- Cliffs/Banks In Progress
- Gravel Beaches Not Started
- Forest Not Started

- Turin's Fortress Completed
- Ecthelion's Bailey In Progress
- Ecthelion's Palisade In Progress
- Turin's Belltower Not Started

!A more in-depth Post is forthcoming just as soon as everything on the ISLAND is settled!
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Update 1: Expect an in-depth visual and descriptive update on the project within the next 2-3 days
So, in typical 'Orruss' fashion, I've provided a BULK update for Cair Andros, as follows:

Cair Andros BULK UPDATE Map.webp

It is rather simple, but very in-depth, with regards to detail, description, and a fair bit of headcanon...so strap in.

Cair Andros; Ship of the white-foam, is the name given to the island, not the fortress. For the purposes of distinction, the fort has been regarded as "Turin's Fortress".

Turin's Fortress: At the time of the evacuation of Ithilien, Turin ordered the creation of the Ranger camps in the region, along with a new Fortress to be constructed on Cair Andros; the most crucial defense along the river Anduin for Gondor. Using the advantageous elevation of the northern tip, Turin constructs a small but imposing structure; a Great Tower at its center, robustly built so as to withstand the elements and last against any siege that may befall it. A hidden sallyport, or escape route, was created leading from the cellar beneath the island's peak where a boat or two could carry the fugitives to Anorien. A Barracks Tower to house the main garrison for the walls and turrets of the fortress, a set of shelved Bastions at the prow of the island, complete with a bartizan and a Belltower to watch over the northern banks of the Anduin. A beacon was placed atop the Great Tower to alert the one at Amon Din, in the event that the garrison were under siege and should require reinforcements from Minas Tirith. A second Belltower was constructed shortly after on the southern end of the island exactly like the one in Turin's Fortress. The purpose of these Belltowers would be to alert the troops in the Fortress and on the island of any enemies attempting or succeeding in crossing the river onto the island. Turin also establishes a ferryboat system on both sides of the island.

Ecthelion's Defenses: During the rule of Ecthelion, grandson of Turin, the island would be refortified as part of a mass campaign of fortifying the lands of Gondor against the forces of Sauron. During the construction of the Rammas Echor, Ecthelion would order the construction of a circular wall at the foot of Turin's Fortress in the style of the Rammas Echor; a "Mini-Rammas", if you will, consisting of a Gatehouse and turret. The purpose of this wall was to add an extra layer of defense to the Fortress, should the rest of the island ever be occupied by enemy forces, giving any reinforcements time to arrive and relieve the besieged garrison of Turin's Fortress. Ecthelion also makes minor repairs to the southern Belltower, as it had been worn quite badly from the elements, unlike its sister in Turin's Fortress, and adds extra beds to the chambers within. Ecthelion also establishes a Blacksmith for the Fortress. In the past, supplies and armament had been provided directly to Cair Andros, but Ecthelion sees it prudent to have a source of arms within the confines of the island itself, erecting a large shed for the Blacksmith within the fortress walls. The Blacksmith from the Fortress near the beacon of Calenhad was relocated to the island around the same time, along with extra troops from Anorien that were dispersed around Pelennor and the Anduin, some of which were sent to reside within the Mini-Rammas. Ecthelion had final plans to erect a palisade and ditch further out from the Bailey but did not live to see its construction.

Denethor's Defenses: When Denethor, son of Ecthelion, becomes the ruling steward of Gondor, defenses become a little underwhelming and somewhat neglected. Most of Cair Andros has been repaired and refortified by his father, which leaves Denethor in a rather steady position of complacency (not to mention the influence of Sauron through the Palantir). His only two contributions to the island's fortifications are the Palisade, originally intended to be constructed by his father, and an extra garrison of 136 men; 106 to be housed in tents within the Palisade walls, and 30 to be placed around the southern Belltower, to keep watch over the southern crossing. From that point onward, no more additions or alterations are made at Cair Andros. At the time that Gandalf and Pippin arrive in Minas Tirith, Faramir suggests sending more troops to Cair Andros, believing it necessary to do so. Denethor disagrees, and the garrison of the crossing is left at its present capacity.

Below are the descriptions of the red markers

1 - Anorien Ferrymen's hut:
This hut was constructed for the monitoring of the crossing from Anorien to Cair Andros. It houses 2 guards who signal the island by lighting a brasier whenever a crossing is requested.

2 + 3 - Cair Andros Western/Eastern Ferrymen's hut: The Ferryman for the western and eastern crossing are housed in these huts with 6 oarsmen in each, along with the Ferryboat itself, which is kept on the island as a security system to maintain control of the crossings. Whenever a crossing from Anorien or Ithilien is requested, a brasier is lit on the banks of the river which signals the Ferryman of a requested crossing. The Ferryman will cross over and determine whether the crossing should be granted. There is an extra brasier at the eastern.

4 - Anorien Ferrymen's hut: This hut is completely abandoned. The brasier, however, remains present, but it is disguised around some rubble so as to be inconspicuous and hidden from the Orcs, and so is only used by the Rangers of Ithilien. Whenever a crossing is attempted on this side of the river, the brasier is lit, and another brasier is lit to inform the rangers that their request has been granted. Faramir employs this method when crossing Cair Andros after parting ways with Frodo and Sam.

5 - Southern Docks: There are ships lining the southern end of the island, as seen by Fordo and Sam from the field of Cormalen. The ships are all Cogs, square-rigged and caravel-rigged, that are tied to the wooden jetties that stand on the banks of the river. The southern tip of the island is fairly deep and consists of underwater cliffs that allow the ships to dock closer to the banks than would be otherwise possible near Osgiliath. The sailors of these ships reside aboard their vessels and act as defensive positions for the southern banks of the river that would be relatively easy to reach.

-What follows below is a headcanon recounting of how the Orcs overwhelmed Cair Andros in a single day.

"The Fall of Cair Andros"

The Midnight Crossing -
6000 Men and Orcs arrive on the banks of the Anduin at around Midnight on 10th March, T.A. 3019. Half the forces are sent to the bridge north of Cormalen and are instructed to wait for a signal. The remaining 3000 troops position themselves south of the bridge below Cormalen. under the cover of darkness, groups of 10-20 men and orcs construct a few rafts to allow a small group of men and orcs to reach the ships on the banks. Those who cross immediately begin setting fire to the ships along the eastern banks, causing one to completely sink and beaching the other 2, collapsing their masts to allow the rest of the forces to easily cross. In this confusion, the Belltower garrison rings the bell to warn the Fortress of an enemy crossing and sends its 30 troops to thwart the crossing. The Orcs in Ithilien started cutting down the trees closest to the shore to create a rudimentary floating bridge to cross onto the island.

The chaos of the burning ships is a welcome distraction for the Orcs, as the 3000 troops north of Cormalen had also begun to build rafts and felling trees to use as floating vessels to cross and land on the northeastern bank of Cair Andros. Meanwhile, in the southern crossing, the remaining Orcs had begun to cross the river, onto the burning hulks of the Gondorian ships. The Belltower garrison dispatched the first wave easily, but as their meager numbers dwindled, they were soon overwhelmed by the Orcs and retreated back to the Belltower. There, the watchmen rang the bell once again, signaling for reinforcements. The Captain of Cair Andros, Adanthir, seeing the smoke and glow of the fire and not knowing how many enemies were crossing, decides to send out the 106 men housed in the Palisade to aid the defenders, meaning that the Gatehouse and watchtowers become unmanned.

As soon as the Palisade is emptied, the 3000 troops located above Cormalen begin their crossing, using the current from the smaller river leading into the Anduin to aid in their travel. Slowly but surely they land on Cair Andros. Meanwhile, the Orcs and Men in the South have successfully crossed into Cair Andros. They make their way up the hill towards the Belltower, where they massacre the remaining defenders, burn down the camp and kill the eastern Ferrymen. They soon engage in combat with the Gondorian forces at the foot of the dense woodland...though not for long. The Gondorian archers use the trees as cover, whilst the swordsmen engage in hand-to-hand fighting with orcs. These forces too are quickly overwhelmed and massacred, when 1000 orcs descend upon them from the North. Around this time, the Ferrymen on the western bank flee to Anorien. Having emptied the Palisade entirely, there were no eyes to closely watch the northern bank. The remaining 2000 troops that did not go south, began invading the Palisade, burning the camps, and laying siege to the Fortress. They are shortly joined by the remaining Orc forces from the South.

The Long Wait - The Orcs and Men attempt to assault the Mini-Rammas, by cutting down the palisade walls and pillaging the tents to create ladders to scale the ring. An initial attempt is made at thwarting this advancement, though seeing the overwhelming numbers of the Orcs, Adanthir orders the forces of the Mini-Rammas to retreat into the main Fortress, baring and barricading its gate. Adanthir sends his family to Dol Calen via the sallyport in this same instance. The Orcs are soon swarming over the walls of the curtain wall and preparing to assault Turin's Fortress. At Dawn, Sauron's forces are laying siege to the walls of Turin's Fortress, though with limiting success. The elevation of the Walls and the Barracks Tower proves a detriment to the Orc effort. The Orcs create a battering ram and proceed with an attempt at striking open the gates.

Slowly, the forces of Gondor begin to dwindle through the efforts of the archers within the Orc ranks. One of Adanthir's soldiers suggests lighting the beacon of the Great Tower to call for aid. Believing that they will not arrive in time, he orders all remaining forces to take refuge in the Great Tower, leaving the walls open to occupation. He orders the troops to begin evacuating through the sallyport down to the boats, although he knows it will take some time for them all to escape. The Orcs eventually enter the confines of Turin's Fortress and attempt to enter the Great Tower. Thankfully, Turin made the entrance to the tower accessible only through a narrow doorway, flanked on either side by arrowslits and from a balcony above; over a deep recess between the stone stairway and the tower, making it difficult to assault by force, which limits the Orcs' advancements. The fleeing Gondorian troops, unexpectedly, were met with the large ferryboat at the bottom of the sallyport pathway.

The Ferrymen that fled to Anorien, see Adanthir's wife and children land outside of the road to Dol Calen and decided to return via the sallyport in case the troops should need to escape. Their presence hastens the escape by several minutes. In the end, Adanthir and his forces flee Cair Andros, minutes before the Orcs bridge the gap to the Tower and begin to sack and burn its contents. They flee to Dol Calen. Adanthir sends his family and remaining forces to Dol Caranthan, whilst he rides to Minas Tirith with his seconds and a small escort, to warn Denethor of the island's loss. The Ferrymen shore up the ferryboat away from the bank and also make their way to Dol Caranthan. Before midday, the Orcs drag the eastern ferryboat up to the western bank and attempt to make their crossing into Anorien. Unfortunately, due to the rain and the river's current at this time of the day, they are unable to do so. This allows the inhabitants of Dol Calen time to leave the village towards Dol Caranthan. Within a couple of hours, the rain subsides. The first orcs to cross find and retrieve the other ferryboat on their way to Dol Calen, to aid in the crossing of their remaining forces. Within the following hour or so, the Orcs cross into Anorien, leaving 500 men behind to hold the island.

Thus is told the story of the "Fall of Cair Andros"

- !If there are any questions about the project, feel free to direct them to me through DM's or through the project channel on Discord! -
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