Forum Title: Biome Colormaps for Gondor rp
Filename: foliage.png and grass.png
Resource Pack: Gondor
Texture description:
All over Gondor we use biomes to make trees with colourful leaves.
mushroom_island -> red leaves
desert -> orange leaves
plains -> green leaves
forest -> very bright green leaves
Especially with the desert biome there is an a bit annoying side effect: The grass below the tree is quite yellow which looks very odd with green grass around. @Darki asked me some days ago, if this could be changed. So I looked into biomes and biome colormaps in more detail. I created new colormaps which allows to combine several grass and leave colours:
Biomes used:
Upper line: river
Second line: forest, jungle, mushroom_island
Third line: desert, redwood_taiga, extreme_hills
Fourth line: plains, birch_forest, ice_flats, jungle_edge
As an additional benefits all colors are no longer dependent of height level: Red leaves will be red at all height levels
I made a colormap generator programm which makes changes of biome colors very easy. So if you have suggestions to improve this just post them below.
Texture image:
Filename: foliage.png and grass.png
Resource Pack: Gondor
Texture description:
All over Gondor we use biomes to make trees with colourful leaves.
mushroom_island -> red leaves
desert -> orange leaves
plains -> green leaves
forest -> very bright green leaves
Especially with the desert biome there is an a bit annoying side effect: The grass below the tree is quite yellow which looks very odd with green grass around. @Darki asked me some days ago, if this could be changed. So I looked into biomes and biome colormaps in more detail. I created new colormaps which allows to combine several grass and leave colours:
Biomes used:
Upper line: river
Second line: forest, jungle, mushroom_island
Third line: desert, redwood_taiga, extreme_hills
Fourth line: plains, birch_forest, ice_flats, jungle_edge
As an additional benefits all colors are no longer dependent of height level: Red leaves will be red at all height levels

I made a colormap generator programm which makes changes of biome colors very easy. So if you have suggestions to improve this just post them below.
Texture image: