• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

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I usually update it together with Will. Havent seen Will the entire weekend. No Will no updates.
Sorry guys, but I had the unfortunate death of two family members within 1 week. Needless to say, it's a bit busy at my end of the PC but we'll review the apps as soon as credoo and I can find a free moment in both our schedules.
If you haven't applied yet, NOW is the time to do it (even if you are still waiting for a better theme build, at least you can see how good the others you already have, are).
Made that watch list a little shorter
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