Hey Ragan!
Thank you for applying for the artist rank. I love some of the builds you are showcasing here. quick heads up.
- Jobs, what we mean by this are job/build events on
our server. They are randomly hosted by foremen or designers. Whenever you join one of those, you can add that to your artist application.
- As far as I can see at the moment, none of your builds have been on our server.
Therefore, all of your images should go under "additional builds".
- The themed build is a build we would like to see you build on our server in our plotsquared. You can get there by logging in on our server and typing /plotsquared .
After this, you can follow the instructions there to get started.
- Imgur Albums. We would like you to post your images in the form of albums. They are a bit nicer to look at and less bulky. To do this, go to imgur (this is a different website) and put images into an album. Then in your application post make a title describing your build. If your build is on our server, add which world it was built in and the coordinates of the build. Then you copy the imgur album link and you embed it into the title of your build. So then we get a clickable link to a nice album of images of your build.
- Images, try to keep your images shader free, weather free, make sure that it's very clear for us to see what you built. Show us multiple angles of the same build. Show us details, from up close, Show us the interesting parts which make your build good.
- Information about you. We would like to know what your Minecraft name is. I cannot find you in our server logs.
- Format, please make sure you follow this format, it is very important to be organized for us:
I wish you very much good luck on your application, and I hope you'll fix these few things for us.