Forum Title: Armor Stand Skeleton Texture for Moria
Filename: assets\minecraft\textures\entity\armorstand\wood.png
Resource Pack: Dwarven (Moria)
Texture description: Bonelike texture for skeleton armor stands
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? Will replace default armor stand texture, to create the look of white bones instead of brown wood armor stand.
Texture image:
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Filename: assets\minecraft\textures\entity\armorstand\wood.png
Resource Pack: Dwarven (Moria)
Texture description: Bonelike texture for skeleton armor stands
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? Will replace default armor stand texture, to create the look of white bones instead of brown wood armor stand.
Texture image:
Ingame Image:
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