Dear Guides,
I write this letter to you because I think something along the way went terribly wrong between you and the rest of our community.
First I would like to apologize for hurting your feelings and trust with our uncalled for jokes. I would like you to know that even though I might have made those jokes in the past I never really thought you were useless.
I would like to take this paragraph to explain to everyone that might read this how important guides are to this community. The Guide role is, in my opinion, one of the key things that sets us apart from every other Minecraft community. Our builds are worth nothing if people don’t get to see and experience them. The existence of the guide role is vital to getting new players to stay and explore what we have built. I bet more than 50% of newcomers never even get to see Gondor past Minas Tirith. The Guide role has the possibility to organize tours and show people places that they wouldn’t get to experience otherwise. In my experience, the tour Ark gave me around the entire server: from Minas Tirith sewers to getting lost in Moria, is what got me hooked. Plus the tours are not the only thing guides are organizing. All the events like readings, minigames, guide books and more are very important for people bonding on MCME, getting involved and taking on a role.
I guess what I want to say is: I know the past couple of months haven't been easy on you and I know you might feel like the community doesn’t want you. I can assure you we’ve been missing you. We’ve been feeling it in every corner: from the dead Times to the lack of tours.
By now I think we all realized that motivation comes from the group of people you play with. I want to let you know that personally I understand and respect your sense of community within the role. I can’t imagine how hard Ark leaving must be for you. But this is exactly the time where you must be strong. Maybe you could give us all another chance and you might make new friends that will keep you motivated when others get busy. I assure you there are many great people.
I want to let you know that whatever happens to your role in the future, I could never imagine MCME without you.
I write this letter to you because I think something along the way went terribly wrong between you and the rest of our community.
First I would like to apologize for hurting your feelings and trust with our uncalled for jokes. I would like you to know that even though I might have made those jokes in the past I never really thought you were useless.
I would like to take this paragraph to explain to everyone that might read this how important guides are to this community. The Guide role is, in my opinion, one of the key things that sets us apart from every other Minecraft community. Our builds are worth nothing if people don’t get to see and experience them. The existence of the guide role is vital to getting new players to stay and explore what we have built. I bet more than 50% of newcomers never even get to see Gondor past Minas Tirith. The Guide role has the possibility to organize tours and show people places that they wouldn’t get to experience otherwise. In my experience, the tour Ark gave me around the entire server: from Minas Tirith sewers to getting lost in Moria, is what got me hooked. Plus the tours are not the only thing guides are organizing. All the events like readings, minigames, guide books and more are very important for people bonding on MCME, getting involved and taking on a role.
I guess what I want to say is: I know the past couple of months haven't been easy on you and I know you might feel like the community doesn’t want you. I can assure you we’ve been missing you. We’ve been feeling it in every corner: from the dead Times to the lack of tours.
By now I think we all realized that motivation comes from the group of people you play with. I want to let you know that personally I understand and respect your sense of community within the role. I can’t imagine how hard Ark leaving must be for you. But this is exactly the time where you must be strong. Maybe you could give us all another chance and you might make new friends that will keep you motivated when others get busy. I assure you there are many great people.
I want to let you know that whatever happens to your role in the future, I could never imagine MCME without you.
Guides, please come back!