• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

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Resource Pack and Shader Guide

A Guide to Resource Packs and Shader on MCME

1. Full support of unmodded clients
2. Optifine and Shaders
3. Sodium and Iris Shaders
4. Troubleshooting

1. Full support of unmodded clients
Our goal at MCME is to build Middle-earth together with as many people as possible. Thus we fully support Minecraft clients without any mods. When joining with such an umodded client you'll see our builds with all their details. It can't be more easy:
  • Start Minecraft (with latest version selected)
  • Add build.mcmiddleearth.com to your multiplayer server list
  • Enable server textures for that server and join
Note: Some players with low-end graphics cards reported problems loading the Human RP due to low graphics memory. There is a reduced resource pack one may choose by command /rp client lite which may help in these cases. But best solution for these players is probably using Sodium client (see below).

2. Optifine and Shaders
Many people like to use external shaders for improved rendering of light and surfaces. This was quite simple to do by using Optifine mod. Unfortunatly Optifine shaders don't work with some new internal Minecraft shader features. So unfortunately we can't support Optifine shaders any more. But there is an alternative: Sodium and Iris (see below). You can still use Optifine without shaders, but you need to disable mip mapping feature to display new models like leaves correctly.

3. Sodium and Iris Shaders
To use these shaders you need to do these steps:
  • Start Minecraft laucher and launch Minecraft 1.21.4. After the game is fully loaded, close it again. Also close the Minecraft launcher.
  • Download the MCME mod installer for your operating system: Windows and Mac
    (Mods included in the installer can be found at GitHub)
  • Start the installer and choose "MCME Install"
  • Start Minecraft launcher again and start the game with the preset MCME for 1.21.4 installation.
  • Join MCME server.
Note: If you already use Sodium client you still need the Special-Model-Loader mod, which is included in the MCME mod installer (In the installer choose fabric install to get it). Or if you prefer manual install, here is a download link: https://modrinth.com/mod/special-model-loader/version/1.21.4-1.4.0

4. Troubleshooting
I'm using an unmodded client or an optifine client. I see trees with many pink/black textures like this:

Explanation: The server sent you a resource pack for Sodium clients.
Solution: Do command /rp client vanilla and the server will instantly sent you the correct resource pack.

Issue: I'm using a Sodium client. I see trees with invisible leaves and branches like this:

Explanation: The server sent you a resource pack for unmodded and Optifine clients.
Solution: Do command /rp client sodium and the server will instantly sent you the correct resource pack.

Issue: I'm using optifine and shaders. I see trees with invisible leaves and branches like this:

Explanation: Unfortunately Optifine shaders don't render most of our branches and leaves
Solution: Either disable shaders or install Sodium and Iris shaders (see above).
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