• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

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PlotManager Plugin Manual

PlotManager Admin Manual

First Themed Build
Use this only when creating Themed Build for the first time. This command will work only if there is no themed build running. It will create a Themed Build centered at the block you stand on. All new Themed Builds will be created south from there.
/theme set <Themed Build name, spaces allowed>

Creating Themed Build

/theme new <Themed Build name, spaces allowed>

Unclaiming plots
(only people with perms for creating TBs)
/theme unclaim (while inside the plot) - will reset the plot, remove diamond block and plot sign and make plot available for claiming again. Order of assigning plots to players: if there are any empty, not unclaimed plots - assign one of them to player, otherwise - if there are any unclaimed plots - assign one of them to player, otherwise - generate new plots and assign one of them to player.

Plot models
There is no maximum size for plot model but you shouldn't create models bigger than 100x100. They are pasted to the map every time a player claims a plot, so big models may cause lag or crash the server.

Creating a model
/theme createmodel <model_name>

Setting points of the model
Use model tool (you'll receive it after creating a model, wooden sword) to select points with right and left click. Alternatively, you can use /theme modelpos 1 and /theme modelpos 2 to set a point - if you're standing, the block you're standing on will be selected. Otherwise, the block your feet are in will be selected.

Saving a model
After both points are selected you can save the model by using /theme savemodel
If you made a mistake when creating the model, you can just create new one with the same name, old one will be replaced when you save new one. Be careful - if you already created themed build and you notice you made a mistake with a model, you should start new themed build instead of just replacing the model.

Listing models
/theme listmodels

Deleting a model
/theme deletemodel <name>
It's impossible to remove default model and the model currently in use.

Using plot model in Themed Build
First Themed Build
/theme new -m <model_name> <Themed Build name, spaces allowed>

New Themed Build
/theme new -m <model_name> <Themed Build name, spaces allowed>

North side of plot model will be facing the road. You shouldn't use:
  • attachable blocks like levers, buttons, torches
  • doors
  • beds

Setting Theme URL
You can set URL to themed build thread:
/theme setURL <full_url_to_thread>
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