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Plotbuild Plugin Manual

Plotbuild Plugin Manual

The Plotbuild plugin makes it possible for project staff to create Plotbuilds that consist of multiple Plots which can be claimed by any player (except Oathbreaker) at any time. Practically a village could be a Plotbuild and every house would be a Plot. Plots are always box-shaped. They can span the whole height of the map or can have a bottom and top.

A high number of commands make this plugin very versatile, the commands are as simple as possible to remember and use.

As this plugin is capable of handling Plotworlds on multiple worlds.

Each Plot has a border of wool blocks with color showing the state of the Plot:
White: unclaimed
Purple: claimed
Blue: ready for check
Yellow: needs changes

The builders of a plot are shown on signs at the border of the plot.

If you want to mention in a command a player who is offline, you’ll have to specify his full name (case doesn’t matter). If you want to mention an online player you may shorten his name in command.

Commands and functions

<required argument>
[optional argument]
only MCME staff and staff of the plotbuild can use this command
everyone except OB can use this command

  • /plot create <name> [bordertype] [height] [-p] [-3D]:
    Defines a new plotbuild, name is e.g. the name of the village that is to be built. bordertype is either ground, float, none or box and defines whether the plot border (which is marked with wool) should be on the ground (default), floating in air, at y-value height, or have no visible borders at all. Bordertype box creates a rectangular box around the plots and is only allowed together with -3D flag. Without the optional -3D flag the plots are rectangular boxes with full height of the map. When the -3D flag is used for every plot a bottom and top is stored. Bordertypes float and ground are not allowed with -3D flag. The optional flag -p makes the plotbuild private, which makes it impossible to claim and invite players to a plot. Instead staff can assign players to a plot. This can be used for plotbuilds that need signing up on the forums before for example. The player who issued this command becomes staff of the new plotbuild which will make him receive messages about events in the plotbuild.
  • /plot new [name]:
    Creates a new plot to the current plotbuild, respectively to plotbuild name if specified. The plot is always rectangular. To select the area of the plot you have to right/left click two blocks with feather. These blocks are used as opposite corners of the plot. In plotbuilds which were created with the -3D flag the corner block are used to define bottom and top of the plot. In other plotbuilds the plots span the full height of the map. Artists that are not claimers of the plots should have no build perms inside the plot.

  • /plot setinfo <URL> [name]:
    Adds the URL of the forum post with build instructions to the current plotbuild respectively the plotbuild name (optional to set).

  • /plot current <name>:
    Sets the plotbuild name as current plotbuild. That way it is not necessary to put the name of the plotbuild to work on in every command. The command /plot create sets the current plotbuild too. Current plotbuild is stored for every staff separately.

  • /plot addstaff <player> [name]:
    For public projects that want to feature a plotbuild. This command gives the (non-staff) project leader player access to the staff commands for the current respectively plotbuild name. Staff members of a plotbuild receive messages about events in the plotbuild. Thus MCME staff who manages a plotbuild may want to use this command too. It is possible to add yourself to staff.

  • /plot removestaff <player> [name]:
    This command removes the staff member player from the plotbuild staff. May be useful when an other staff overtakes a plotbuild and the first staff doesn’t want to get the event messages any more. You can remove yourself.

  • /plot assign <player>:
    When standing in a plot assigns player to the plot, up to 8 players can be assigned to one plot. Else it is similar to /plot claim just that it’s issued by staff. Can be used on both public and private plotbuilds.

  • /plot accept:
    When inside a claimed plot, accepts the build inside the plot, deletes the plot (build perms for builders and borders) and notifies the builders. When the last plot of a plotbuild is accepted the staff who issued the command is asked if the plotbuild should be ended as described at /plot end.

  • /plot refuse:
    When inside a claimed plot can be used if there are still changes needed. Changes can be marked directly on the build. Notifies builders.

  • /plot clear [-u]:
    When inside a plot resets the plot to the initial state. If the plot was claimed, notifies builders.
    -u is an optional flag, if used it does also unclaim the plot, default just clears the plot but does not unclaim it.

  • /plot delete [-k]:
    When inside a plot removes the plot (borders and build perms). Plots does not necessarily need to be claimed. By default also the changes made inside the plot are rolled back to the initial state, the flag -k can be used to keep the changes. If plot was claimed, notifies builders. When the last open plot of a plotbuild is deleted the staff who issued the command is asked if the plotbuild should be ended as described at /plot end.
  • /plot msg <message>:
    Use when inside of a plot to sends a <message> to all owners of the plot. If a player is offline atm he will get the message when he joins again.

  • /plot ban <player> [name]:
    Restricts player from claiming any further plots in the plotbuild name. Also prevents others to invite or assign him. If name is not specified, current plotbuild is used. Unclaims and clears all plots where player is the only builder and that have not been accepted. Notifies builders.

  • /plot unban <player> [name]:
    Unbans player from current plotbuild, resp. from plotbuild name.

  • /plot history [name] [#]:
    Displays all actions that happened in current plotbuild respectively plotbuild name, e.g. "date|time:<player> unclaimed plot #3", "date|time:<staff> accepted plot #1>". If there are more than 10 actions the page of history to be shown can be chosen by the number #.

  • /plot lock [name]:
    Locks the plotbuild name, or with no further argument given, all plotbuilds. This prevents non-staff to build on plots, claim new plots and invite players to plots. This can be used during jobs to get the people working on the plotbuilds to help on the job.

  • /plot unlock [name]:
    Reverts the effects of above command.

  • /plot sign:
    When inside a plot places the wool blocks of the border and the plot signs again.

  • /plot end <name> [-k]:
    Ends plotbuild <name>. With [-k] keeps current plot state. Otherwise all plots that that have not yet been accepted are reset to their initial states. This command removes all saved plot and history data.

  • /plot info:
    When inside a plot displays a link to the forum post with build instructions. Shows also a list of staff members of the plotbuild.

  • /plot list [plotbuild] [#]:
    Without a specified plotbuild lists all running Plotbuilds along with number of free plots. Click at the plotbuilds to get a list of all plots there.
  • /plot warp <plotbuild> [#]: Teleports you to a plotbuild or a specific plot number of that plotbuild.
  • /plot claim:
    When standing inside an unclaimed plot, claims the plot. This gives build permissions inside the plot and displays the player name on a sign at the plot. Can not be used when the plotbuild is private.

  • /plot invite <player>:
    When inside a plot and user is builder of that plot, adds player to the building team of the plot. Both players then can build inside that plot. Sign is updated with all player names. Maximum of players in a building team is 8. After that every player of the building team can invite other players.

  • /plot leave:
    When standing inside a plot and plot is owned by multiple players, leaves the building team, which would then allow the leaving player to claim another plot. If plot is owned by only one player, command fails and suggests to use /plot unclaim instead.

  • /plot finish:
    When inside a plot and user is builder of the plot, the plot is marked as being finished / ready for check and notifies staffs of the plotbuild. It is required to mark a plot as finished before it is possible to claim another plot.

  • /plot unclaim:
    When inside a plot and user is the only builder of the plot, unclaims and resets plot. For resetting see notes on /plot clear.
  • /plot help [command]:
    Shows a usage description for [command]. If [command] is not specified a list of short descriptions for all plotbuild commands are shown.
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would buy again

great resource as always Eriol <3
Had no idea I could claim, unclaim and invite others to my plot.
10/10 would read again.
Why is a review required just lemme give 5 stars