• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Minigames Manual

Minigames Manual

Minigames Manual

- Here are the main informations about the Entertainment Plugin -

The plugin give Guides possibility to start some kinds of minigames. So far there are these games:
  • Hide and Seek
  • Lore Quiz
  • Race
  • GeoGuessr
  • Manhunt
  • (PvP currently broken)

Below you will find descriptions of the games and a list of all commands provided by the minigames plugin. You can click at many of the chat messages generated by the plugin instead of typing in the next command.
Command legend:​
game manager only
staff only
everyone (except ob)

General commands (all commands are not case sensitive):
  • /game check
    Shows a list of currently active game.
  • /game join <name>
    Player joins the game <name>. Player will be teleported to game warp. A player can only participate in one game at once.
  • /game leave
    Player leaves the game.
  • /game stats
    Shows your personal wins
  • /game leaderboard <game> <count>
    Shows the leaderboard for the chosen game in terms of overall wins. Count is by default 10 and can show you the leaderboard to a specific place.
    • hide
    • seek
    • race
    • geo
    • quiz
  • /gc <message>
    Sends a message to all players on the server except those who switched off game chat.
  • /gc !off
    Switches receiving game chat messages off.
  • /gc !on
    Switches receiving game chat messages on.
  • /game help [general | hide | race | quiz] [#page]
    Shows a list of commands of the plugin. Hover the cursor on a command to get detailed help. With argument general, hide, race or quiz shows only general or game related commands.
  • /game showCategories
    Shows a list of all quiz question categories.
  • /game info
    Shows informations about the game including a list of players who are currently in the game.
  • /game spectate <game> [!off]
    Enables spectating for a player. This is showing the scoreboard of a game to a player who is not in the game. Should be useful for public races. Option !off ends spectating.
  • /game warp <game> [start|finish|#checkpoint#]
    Teleports a player to the game location. For race games there are the options start|finish|#checkpoint#. For example “/warp gamename 4” will teleport a player to the checkpoint 4 of the game.
  • /game allow <warp|spectate|teleport|flight|join|collision|save|invisible|signs>
    • warp: Players can warp to game locations with /game warp
    • spectate: Players can spectate a game with /game spectate
    • teleport: Players who are in the game can use command like /tpa /warp
    • flight: Players who are in the game can fly
    • join: All Players can join the game (if possible at the current stage of game)
    • collision: Switches player collision on. (Default on in Hide, Quiz and PVP)
    • save: Allows /game tpcp (Only for races and default on)
    • Invisible: Allows invisibility (Only for races and default on)
    • signs: allows sign text (only for GeoGuessr)
    • points: Sets Geoguessr points to 1 for everything
    • glow: Gives all players the glow effect
  • /game deny <warp|spectate|teleport|flight|join|collision|save|invisible|signs>
    • warp: Players can’t warp to game locations with /game warp
    • spectate: Players can’t spectate a game with /game spectate
    • teleport: Players who are in the game can’t use command like /tpa and /warp
    • flight: Players who are in the game can’t fly
    • join: Only invited Players can join the game
    • collision: Switches player collision off. (Default off in Race)
    • save: Denies /game tpcp (Only for races and default on)
    • Invisible: Denies invisibility (Only for races and default on)
    • signs: denies sign text (only for GeoGuessr)
    • points: Sets GeoGuessr points to 12 for 1st and 10 for normal (Default)
    • glow: Turns the glow effect off
  • /game switchables
    /Game allow/deny with an UI. Enchated books mean activated.
  • /game end
    Completely deletes it (scoreboards, race markers…)
  • /game kick <player>
    Kicks a player from the game
  • /game ban <player>
    Bans a player from the game
  • /game unban <player>
    Unban a player from the game
  • /game manager <player>
    Guide <player> becomes the new manager of the game.
  • /game invite <player>
    invites a player to a game, this is only needed when permission join: deny
  • /game timer <seconds>
    Activates a timer before the game starts. Also broadcasts that on the server.
  • /game delete <quiz|race|marker> <filename>
    deletes a saved quiz|race|marker data file. There is a confirmation query but no undo, so be careful.

Hide and Seek:
  • The minigame will be announced in main chat, like it is done with tours and jobs
  • Guides can set a radius of blocks and players can’t go outside of it
  • A player will be chosen by the plugin to find the others
  • Some time will be given players to hide, while the seeker is stuck or caged
  • The seeker will have to find and hit every player to win
  • Hiding players are hidden from dynmap
  • Every time the seeker finds a player it is announced in chat
  • The plugin shows the number of people who haven’t been found yet
  • Default permissions: join, flight, teleport, warp, spectate: allow
  • /game create Hide <name>
    Creates a new Hide and Seek game the player who issued the command becomes manager of the game. The location of the manager becomes the warp location of the game. The game is announced in public chat immediately.
  • /game hide <radius> [search time] [hide time]
    Starts the game with all players who joined before. A random player becomes seeker. The other players get the [hide time] (default 60 seconds) to hide while the seeker is caged. A hide time can only be specified if a search time is given too. The number <radius> defines the size of the game area. No further player can join the game until the seeker has found all other players or the [search time] (default 300 seconds) expired. After a player found all other players or the time limit expired, the manager can use /game hide again for another round of Hide And Seek with a new seeker. Hint: You can’t give a hide time without giving a search time, the first number will always be used for search time. All times are given in seconds.
  • /game seeker <player>
    Makes <player> seeker for the next round of Hide and Seek.
  • /game tphere <player>
    Teleports the player to the manager in case they get stuck.
  • /game hiddenlist
    Gives you a list of the currently hidden players.
  • /game leave
    If the seeker leaves the game it will be resetted and has to be started again by the manager with /game hide.

  • The manager of the game can choose start and end location as well as an arbitrary number of checkpoints which the racer have to visit in proper order.
  • The manager of the game can define markers to show start, end and checkpoints.
  • People won’t be able to join anymore after the race starts
  • Automatic countdown and start sign and maybe auto cage opening
  • The classifications of players is shown for each checkpoint
  • It will announce who won who was 2nd etc. at the end of the race
  • Default permissions: join, warp and spectate: allow - flight and teleport : deny
  • Races and markers can be saved to and loaded from file.
  • /game create Race <name>
    Creates a new Race game the player who issued the command becomes manager of the game. The location of the manager becomes the warp location of the game.
    • Don´t use the race names: Test and race. They are broken
  • /game ready
    Announces the race in public chat and allows player to join.
  • /game start
    Teleports all players to the start of the game and cages them there. No further players can join. The game will start automatically after 10 seconds.
  • /game stop
    Stops a race so checkpoints can be changed or more players can join before starting it again with /game steady
  • /game tpstart
    Allows the manager to teleport to the startpoint. Teleport points get set to that point to.
  • /game tpcp
    Allows the player to teleport to the last checkpoint once per game.
  • /game racestats
    Allows the player to see their personal best and the Top 5 best times of the loaded race.
  • /game resetscores
    Resets the times of an existing race.
  • /game loadrace <filename>
    Loads a race from file
  • /game saverace <filename> <description>
    Saves start and finish location an all checkpoint locations to file. Also saves the names of the marker files but not the marker itselves. Those are saved with /game savemarker
  • /game savemarker <filename>
    Creates and saves a new marker:
    • All blocks except air and prismarine blocks within a radius of 10 blocks around you will be saved. All these blocks will be placed in the map when this marker is used for a race. Make sure there are no unwanted blocks within this radius.
    • Your location becomes the marker location. This means when you use the marker it will be placed at the same relative position to you .
    • All signs of the marker will be labeled when using the marker in a race.
    • All netherrack blocks become check locations. When a racer moves to a check location, this will be recorded by the game. Additionally the racer will be caged at the check locations at the start of the race. Racer will be spreaded to all check locations and barriers will be created around them.
    • A more detailled race marker guide can be found >>here<<.
  • /game marker <filename> [start|finish|checkpoint|all]
    Defines the marker to be used at start, finish, checkpoints or at all locations.When using this command without last argument the game will try to define the marker of a nearby (radius 10 blocks) location.
  • /game raceset <start|finish|checkpoint>[#checkpoint#] [-i]
    Defines your location a race location, the current marker for this game location will be placed in the world relative to your location.
    • start|finish: Defines the location for start or finish of the game. If that location was defined before it will be moved to your location.
    • checkpoint: Without further arguments adds a checkpoint to the race. The new checkpoint will be the last one of the game. Which a given number #checkpoint# the checkpoint with that number will be moved to you. With additional option ‘-i’ a new checkpoint is inserted to the race. It will be inserted in front of the checkpoint with the given number #checkpoint#
  • /game remove [#checkpoint#]
    Without argument attempts to remove a nearby (radius 10 blocks) checkpoint . Otherwise removes the checkpoint with the given number. You can’t remove start and finish, but you can move them with /game set.
  • /game show [start|finish|#checkpoint#]
    Displays the starter list or the ranking a finish or the checkpoint with number #checkpoint# to all players. Without argument automatic switching between checkpoints is activated (default). Automatic switching will always show the ranking of the checkpoint with newest record.
  • /game files race | marker
    shows all saved race or marker data files

Lore Quizzes
  • Guides can create write several types of questions:
    • Free question: players have to freely type in a word or sentence.some
    • Number question: players have to type in a number
    • Single choice question: some choices are presented to the players who have to type in the letter of the one correct choice.
    • Multiple choice question: as single choice question but several choices may be correct and players have to type in the letters of all correct choices.
  • By default questions and choices are presented in random order.
  • Set a time limit for each question
  • The plugin will say if the answer is right or wrong
  • Guides can create or load a number of questions.
  • The plugin shows the scores of the players
  • Each question will give players 1 point
  • The player with most points after the last question wins. If the last question is answered and two player have same score there will be no automatic announcement of the winner. The manager can add more questions or use /game winner command.
  • Default permissions: join, flight , teleport, warp and spectate: allow
  • Questions can be saved to and loaded from file.
  • /game create quiz <name>
    Creates a new Quiz game the player who issued the command becomes manager of the game.
  • /game question subcommand[single|multi|free|number|list|remove #]
    Subcommands (Default is single):
    • single | multi | free | number
      single Initiates a conversation to enter a question and 4 possible answers (3 wrong and one correct answer). Questions are saved and can be sent to players later with /game send command.Subcommand multi is used more than one of the questions may be correct. The answer to a free question has to be typed in by the player For number questions the player will have to answer with a typed in number which needs to be close enough (specified in the conversation) to the correct number.
    • list #page
      Shows all questions currently in the quiz. Number in brackets is the question ID in the MCME question data table.
    • remove #question
      Deletes the question with the specified number (not question ID but quiz number).
    • edit #question
      Initiates a conversation to edit the question with the specified number (not question ID, but quiz number). If you want to keep an presented information, just type ‘!keep’ otherwise type in the replacement.
    • submit single | multi | number | free
      Initiates a Conversation to create a new question like above. The question will not added to a quiz but submitted to MCME question table.
    • review [check]
      Create a private quiz game with all submitted questions. Questions can be edited, removed or accepted for MCME question table. Optional argument check shows a message indicating how many questions have been submitted but does not create the quiz.
    • accept
      Adds all questions in the current quiz game to MCME question table. If a question already has a question ID from the table that question will be replaced instead of appended.
    • Load <categories> [matchAll] [#questions]
      Loads all questions from MCME question data table which match the specified categories. Categories are specified by several letters without white spaces in between. All category letters can be shown with /game showCategories. Instead of category letters ‘all’ can be used to load all questions from the table. Also it’s possible to specify a series of numbers instead of category letters. All questions with these question IDs will be loaded, categories and all other arguments are ignored in this case. When matchAll is ‘true’ a question needs to match all categories to be loaded otherwise at least one match is needed. It is possible to exclude categories with prefix ‘-’. #questions defines the maximum number of questions loaded. Default is 15 questions, maximum allowed is 100. If more questions are found a random selection will be made.
      • /game question load bf-y true
        Loads all canon Lord of the Rings book questions about Elves.
      • /game question load fx true
        Loads all movie lore questions about Elves (canon or non-canon)
  • /game ready
    Announces the quiz in public chat and allows player to join.
  • /game send [TimeLimit]
    Sends the next question to all players in the game. The players have to answer within the [TimeLimit] in seconds, without a given time limit the players get the same time limit as for the questions before. Defaut time limit is 30 seconds.
  • /game restart
    Restarts the game by setting all scores to zero. Next /game send command will send the first question of the game.
  • /game stat
    Shows the names of players who are currently in a question conversation. If no players are in a conversation, all currently online players in the game are shown.
  • /game savequiz <filename> <description>
    Saves the questions of the game to filename.json.
  • /game loadquiz <filename>
    Loads the questions from the file filename.json into the game. You can loads questions from several files to get more questions in a game.
  • /game loadquestions <categories> [matchAll]
    Loads questions which matches at least one of the specified categories from the MCME question data table. If [matchAll] is ‘true’ a question needs to match all categories to be loaded.
  • /game clear
    Removes all questions from the game.
  • /game random [off|questions|choices]
    Without argument choices and questions will be presented in random order.
    • off: All questions ad choices will be presented in saved order.
    • questions: Questions will be presented in random order.
    • choices: Choices will be presented for every player in random order.
  • /game winner
    Announces winner of the game even if there are more than one and even if there are still unanswered questions.
  • /game files quiz
    shows all saved quiz data files

GeoGuessr (by @Jubo )

  • /game create geo <name>
    Creates a new GeoGuessr game. The player who issued the command becomes manager of the game.
  • /game ready
    Announces the GeoGuessr game in public chat and allows player to join. This can be done after creating the game or after changing the Area and the rounds.
  • /game setarea <area>
    Changes the area where the games randomly selects warps to guess. Default are all warps on main.
    • Areas
      • All : a
      • Eriador : b
      • Rohan : c
      • Anorien and Ithilien : d
      • Gondor : e
      • Shire : f
      • Anfalas, Lefnui and Pinnath Gelin : g
      • Lebennin : h
      • Belfalas and Lamedon : i
      • Misty Mountains : j
  • /game setrounds <Number of Rounds>
    Changes the number of rounds which are played. Default is 5.
  • /game round <radius> <time>
    Initiates the next round. Teleports all players to the next warp, where they have to guess the warp name in chat within the time. The radius creates a sphere in which the players can move, to get information about the location they are at.
  • /game restart
    Restarts the game with the same settings
  • /game winner
    Announces winner of the game even if there are more than one.
  • /game restoreSigns
    Restores the last removed text from signs, if it comes to a server crash.

Manhunt (by @Jubo )

This mode is basically hide and seek but with multiple seeker and the hidden player get a speed and jump boost. To balance that hunter get a feather, by right-clicking they get a jump boost every 15 seconds.

  • /game create manhunt <name>
    Creates a new Manhunt game the player who issued the command becomes manager of the game. The location of the manager becomes the warp location of the game. The game is announced in public chat immediately.
  • /game hunt <radius> [search time] [hide time]
  • /game hunter <player> or <number>
    Makes <player> hunter for the next round. A number chooses x players randomly to be next hunter team. When no one is chosen three random player will be assigned hunter.
  • /game hiddenlist
    Gives a list of all hidden players.
  • /game hunterlist
    Gives a list of all hunter.

PVP, currently broken (by @Planetology )


  • /game create pvp <name>
    Creates a new PvP game the player who issued the command becomes manager of the game. The location of the manager becomes the warp location of the game.
  • /game ready
    Announces the pvp game in public chat and allows player to join. This requires spawn point for the blue and red team and a selected pvp area.
  • /game start <seconds>
    Teleports players to their team spawn point. Also starts the countdown of <seconds> until the end of the game.
  • /game field [sphere <radius>]
    Sets selected WE area as pvp area. With optional parameter "sphere" the pvp area will be set to a sphere with a radius of <radius>. CURRENTLY "sphere" IS BROKEN, DON'T USE
  • /game pvpset <red | blue>
    Sets red or blue team spawn point.
  • /game loadpvp <filename>
    Loads a pvp game from file.
  • /game savepvp <filename> <description>
    Saves spawnpoints of red and blue team and the selected pvp area (cuboid or sphere) to a file.
  • /game loadout <filename>
    Loads a loadout inventory from file. This loadout will be used for the current game. Leather armor will be colored to display the team of a player
  • /game saveloadout <filename> <description>
    Saves the inventory of manager to a file. Players executing this command needs to be in a pvp game.
  • /game teamred <player>
    Sets <player> to team red. Can only be used before the game has started.
  • /game teamblue <player>
    Sets <player> to team blue. Can only be used before the game has started.
  • /game respawn
    Respawns player back to his team spawn, adds one kill to other team.
First release
Last update


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More resources from Eriol_Eandur

Latest updates

  1. New Minigame: Manhunt

    There is a new minigame. Look into the manual for the commands.
  2. New Minigame

    We got a new mingame called GeoGuessr. Also the existing minigames got a lot more competitive...
  3. Player collision

    Player collision can now be switched on with /game allow collision and off with /game deny...