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MCME Perks Manual

MCME-Perks Manual

MCME-Perks plugin manages small features to say thank you to players e.g. for donations or voting. It features periodic, automatic updates of perks using http to fetch data files.

The tiers or thresholds for when you have access to what perk are defined at https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/community/wiki/donation-rewards/

Perk Commands:

HorseThe horse will spawn and you will mount immediatly. The moment you dismount it will despawn./perk horse [color] [pattern]Without arguments, the horse will be randomized.

Boat/perk boat [type]oak, spruce, acacia, dark_oak, birch, jungle
Parrot/perk parrot [color]gray, cyan, red, blue, green
Compass/perk compass [direction]north, east, south, west, here, numerical value, spawn
Denethor FireYou will catch fire/perk fire [duration]A number, this will be the seconds.
If there is no argument, it will use a default value.
Guiding Wizard Light
Requires optifine mod
An invisible light source will spawn and move to your cursor location. You can control the distance by left and right clicking while holding a stick./perk light [intensity]Intensity increases the radius of the area.
SitSitting on blocks by right clicking while holding the ghast tear. Hold shift to get back up./perk sit
Ring of PowerHold the ring and when you right click, it will give you invisibility. The ring will slowly drive you insane with its powers. Right click again to unequip the effect of the ring./perk ring
Elytra FlightWill give you an elytra and enable flight. With the fireworks you can boost your flight./perk elytra
FireworkGives you fireworks./perk firework
Jump BoostRight clicking with [] in hand will make you jump even higher./perk jump
Speed BoostRight clicking with [] in hand will make you run faster./perk speed
JockeyUsing [] will make you sit on the shoulders of a player. Press shift to jump off./perk jockey

Plugin Configuration

perks.fire.defaultTicks: Default duration to be on fire in server ticks.​
perks.fire.maxTicks: Maximum duration to be on fire in server ticks.​
perks.name.donorTagColor: Spigot ChatColor name of the color to use. e.g. YELLOW.​

perks.light.item: Item to control distance of the wizard light (default STICK)​
perks.light.startDistance: Initial distance between light and player.​
perks.light.teleportDistance: lights further from aiming point than this value are teleported to that point.​
perks.light.maxIntensity: Maximum allowed radius of the light. A value above 1 will conjure multiple light sources (may cause lag).​
perks.light.maxDuration: Maximum duration of Light Spell​
perks.light.maxSpeed: Maximum speed of the light while following line of sight of the player​
perks.light.speedFactor: Factor to calculate speed from distance to line of sight.​
perks.sit.item: Item to use for sitting down (default GHAST_TEAR)​
perks.ring.itemName: Name of the perk item displayed in the inventory.​
perks.elytra.item: Elytra item, should not be changed.​
perks.elytra.itemName: Name of the elytra item you get by /perk elytra.​
perks.elytra.itemQuantity: Amount of items you get by /perk elytra.​
perks.firework.item: Firework item, should not be changed.​
perks.firework.itemName: Name of the firework item you get by perks.firework.itemQuantity: Amount of items you get by /perk firework.​
perks.jump.item: Item to activate the jumping boost (default DIAMOND_BOOTS)​
perks.jump.itemName: Name of the perk item displayed in the inventory.​
perks.jump.amplifier: Amplifier of the jump boost effect​
perks.jump.duration: Duration of the jump boost effect​

perks.speed.item: Item to activate the speed boost (default DIAMOND_BOOTS)​
perks.speed.itemName: Name of the perk item displayed in the inventory.​
perks.speed.amplifier: Amplifier of the speed boost effect​
perks.speed.duration: Duration of the speed boost effect​

perks.jockey.item: Item to jockey other players (default LEASH)​
perks.jockey.antiJockeyPermission: A player with this permission can't be jockeyed by another player (default: perks.antijockey)​
  • perks.admin
    Gives access to admin level commands (but not to any perks).
  • perks.user
    Gives access to user level commands. This perm does not give access to any perk but it is required to access any perk.
  • perks.<perk_name>
    Can be used to give a perk to a player manually.

Admin Commands:
  • /perk
    Displays help about perk plugin
  • /perk enable [perk_name]
    Enables the specified perk. Without a perk_name enables all perks.
  • /perk disable [perk_name]
    Disables the specified perk. Without a perk_name disables all perks.
  • /perk info
    Displays the enabled/disabled status of all perks
  • /perk open <perk_name> [duration]
    Grants a perk for [duration] minutes to all players. Without a specified duration the perk is granted for 10 min.
  • /perk close <perk_name>
    Revokes a free perk granted by /perk open.
  • /perk <perk_name>
    Uses a perk as specified at the perk description.

Configuration Files:

  • settings.enabled:
    enables or disables all perks. Can also be changed by command.
  • update.donor:
    URL to donor data file. Expected is HTML table with columns user_id(ignored), username, user_uuid, donation_sum
  • perks.<perk_name>:
    configuration of individual perks as described there.
  • perks.<perk_name>.enabled:
    enables or disables an individual perk. Can also be changed by command.

  • Donor.<#donation_sum>:
    List of perk names which are granted to a player who donated at least <#donation_sum>

Position and rotation of player for sitting on special (not full) blocks.
  • <blockName>_<#dataValue>.X: block relative x-Position
  • <blockName>_<#dataValue>.Y: block relative y-Position
  • <blockName>_<#dataValue>.Z: block relative z-Position
  • <blockName>_<#dataValue>.Yaw: initial yaw of the sitting player
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