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MCME-Environment plugin

MCME-Environment Plugin v3.0

Weather and Daytime control

A plugin to control weather, time and sounds of player's client in a defined region

To hear sounds you need to raise the volume of ambient and weather

Colours indicate the ranks which have permission for a command :
  • Adventurer (+ all ranks except OB)
  • Guide +
List of all commands: [/environment, /env]
  • For all players:
    • if you want to switch between regions:
      • /environment on
    • if you want to stop :
      • /environment off
  • To create a new region:
    • /environment create <nameRegion> <weight> (Eg. /environment create Bree 0)
    • Weight define the priority of the region, important when two or more regions are overlapping.
  • To remove a region:
    1. /environment remove <nameRegion> (Eg. /environment remove Bree)
  • To edit weather and time of a region:
    • /environment edit <nameRegion> rain|sun true|false <time> (Eg. /environment edit Bree rain false 18000)
    • rain: when a player is inside this region it will start raining or snowing. This depends on biome type.
    • sun: wean a player is inside this region the player's weather will be set as clear.
    • true|false, this is for thunders, you can set thunders on with true or off with false
    • time: time in Ticks
  • To redefine an area:
    • /environment redefine <nameRegion> <weight>
  • To set the sound of one region use this command:
    • /environment sound <nameRegion> <soundAmbient> (Eg. /environment sound Bree none bell )
    • soundAmbient :
      1. none: No sounds
      2. plain: Plain sounds
      3. ocean: Ocean sounds
      4. wind: Wind sounds useful with thunderstorm and rain
      5. cave: Cave sound (Eg. Moria)
      6. swampland: Swampland sound
      7. forest: forest sound
    • soundLocated:
      1. bell: This is really particular because it is a sound of a bell repeated for the hours you set as time. Make sure to run this command really close to the bell, because the plugin will set your location as the one of the bell, and the sound will come from here.
      2. none: No sound
  • If you want to see details about the region you created before:
    1. /environment details <nameRegion> (Eg. /env details Bree)
  • For a complete list of all regions (in the entire network of MCME so all servers):
    1. /environment list location|region [#page]
  • If you want to check how many players are using the sound engine:
    1. /environment control realtime|shutdown|enable
    2. Shutdown: It stops the sound engine (for lag)
    3. Enable: It enables the sound engine
    4. Realtime: You can check how many players are using the plugin
  • If you want to add a located sound, independent from regions:
    • /environment location <nameLocation> <soundLocated>
      • soundLocated:
        1. bell: This is really particular because it is a sound of a bell repeated for the hours you set as time. Make sure to run this command really close to the bell, because the plugin will set your location as the one of the bell, and the sound will come from here.
        2. none: No sound

Sound will might be included in officials resources packs
For the best experience I recommend you to use Optifine
Request: here
GITHUB Repo: MCME/MCME-Environment
First release
Last update


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