• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Guide Manual

Guide Manual 1


Guide Manual

This guide is a whistlestop tour of all useful information for newly promoted or aspiring Guides. All Guide trainees should familiarise themselves with this manual in order to know what to expect.

All Guides need to read and follow this manual, or otherwise, risk the consequences if needed.

The Guide rank is one of the more diverse and special ranks on the server, it's more community based than any of the other ranks. Not everyone will be fitting for this rank, but if you want to apply there are a few necessities and requirements that a Guide Applicant must bear in mind before applying for the rank. Of course, skills can be improved and facts learnt, and potential will never be ignored, but the basics must be there. These are:

  • You must have a moderately high playtime/activity on the server.
  • You must be a Commoner or above.
  • You must have a fairly decent knowledge of both Tolkien’s Lore as well as MCME Server Lore.
  • You must be a responsible and mature player who demonstrates level headed behaviour even in the most difficult of situations.

To apply for Guide, you must send in an application in the forum (Guide), making sure it follows the format and reaches the requirements stated both above and in the Guide application Format. This will then be reviewed by the Head Guide and the Guide Manager, but also the rest of the guide team.

New commands

As a Guide, you will get access to a couple new commands, here's a list of them:

/tp <player> allows you to directly teleport to a player without having to use /tpa first. However it's highly recommended to first ask a holder of a higher rank (namely Foreman, Designer, Manager and Head...) whether it is okay to teleport directly to them. Keep using /tpa if you're not sure if the staff member or Foreman is doing something important and wouldn't like you being around at that moment.

/vote <player> allows you to vote for Adventurers that you feel have earned the rank of Commoner. Doing this will add one vote to their score, bringing them one step closer to becoming a Commoner. You can only vote for the same player once. Vote for a player if he is spreading a friendly vibe, shows interest in the builds, helps in jobs, joins tours, talks on Discord, etc... Do not give out votes solely because an Adventurer asks for them.

Additionally you can switch gamemodes with /gm 1 for creative mode, /gm 0 for survival mode and /gm 3 for spectator mode, which allows you to fly through blocks. Despite having access to creative mode, Guides still need to participate in a job run by a Foreman or Designer, in order to build in the main world.

New Permissions and Abilities

Upon promotion to Guide, you will gain several new permissions. These include the ability to start Minigames, run tours, create Guidebooks and run pvp games. You can also start creating your own new pvp maps, they will be checked by the manager or guide that is in charge of pvp before implementing them.

Running Minigames:

Make sure to check out our minigames manual, or have a look at the how-to channel on discord.

Running Tours:

/tour start - starts a tour

/tour stop - finishes a tour

Tours can obviously be of anywhere you feel is suitable, but 20 minutes is the minimum duration of a tour in order for it to be considered valid.
Try to include one large/memorable place - somewhere that those on the receiving end of the tour may recognise.
Tours should also be as interactive as possible. Unless for a large event eg a video, Great Lore Tour etc, Tours can be relatively informal, so making it fun as well as interesting for the audience is key.
Try to tour locations you feel confident with, and don't always go for really obscure locations unless you feel you have enough knowledge of the said location to give a tour that fits within the criteria.

Making Guidebooks:

Make sure to check the manual for using Guidebooks, click here.

Running PvP

Make sure to check the PvP manual, that tells you everything about how to run PvP and what maps/gamemodes there are, if you are still not sure, you can someone from the guide team to help you learn the commands.

Participation in different teams

MCME has a variety of different teams, as a guide you have a better chance of getting accepted for these kind of teams, examples are: Media/Video team, Events team, Music team, Animations team and the times team. For all of these teams you would have to ask the current leader(s) of said team that you would like to apply. The leader(s) will review the application and come back to you when they have come to a conclusion.


Upon promotion to Guide, you will gain access to the Guide’s discord channels. It is important that a Guide utilises these channels to the best of their ability. Important channels include:

  • Guide Feed - Where important guide related information is announced
  • Resources Channel - Where any useful resources are posted.
  • Rank and Badge considerations - Where applications for guide or the two guide related badges will be discussed and reviewed by the guide team.

Communication between the other Guides is very important, and the discord channels must be used as a first place to share information between other Guides.

Demotion from Guide

If you are inactive for a longer period of time you will be messaged on whether you are still interested in holding the rank of Guide. Upon that, you may get demoted back to Commoner. Inappropriate behaviour and infractions of the Terms of Service and Rules will lead to an immediate demotion as well. A guide is a member of the MCME Team, and is expected at all times to display honourable and professional conduct.
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