• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Fable of the Five Wizards Bundle

Fable of the Five Wizards Bundle 1.6

Updating download location
- fixed saruman’s training area from blowing up
- removed junk items from saruman inventory upon leaving training
- bartender in the harbor now actually gives a drink
- retextured bucket of milk and bucket to pint/empty pint
- renamed the last lone un-named “lembas”
- fixed dragon textures appearing in the tunnel leading up to Nogrod
- added goblin heads on spits in river campsite
- added secret window looking over the sunken city from shmatt’s mansion
- edited diary page across from Orim’s house (now ends realistically and includes bloody arrow)
- fixed unnamed cookies and added items to secret chest in Orim’s house
- fixed radagast dirt block that had grassed over in the waterfall room
- retextured podzol to appear as dirt
- made all rails/powered rails invisible
- increased volume of Dragon’s roar
- renamed shears to “Bone Shears” for Slathu
- retextured redstone and renamed to “Dried Blood”
- retextured poisonous potato and renamed to “Maggoty Bread”
- retextured rotten flesh and renamed to “Goblin Head”
- replaced rotten flesh in Broodmother’s hand with Fermented Spider Eye
- increased range of “ransack” player trigger in Great Market
- fixed lighting on Blue Wizard’s hidden chest trigger in palace (again)
- adjusted spawn warp
- fixed text after necromancer battle
- redesigned market goblin text/battle
- fixed exposed redstone circuit in palace
- fixed loot drop issue after broodmother battle
- added light into blue-wizard ability chest area in spiral mine entrance so it’s easier to find
- fixed voxel derps in spiral mine entrance
- fixed unnamed sapphires in Dwalric II’s armor chamber
- removed mob chests in goblin maze
- fixed plain text after borgrond battle
- fixed plain text after 4th pillar
- added dialogue after final boss battle
- removed well room shop teleport
- added additional instructions and invisible walls to wizard choosing area
- added wizard training to familiarize players with special abilities
- abbreviated first book just a tad so that players aren’t overwhelmed right at the start
- changed king’s ring mob drop chance to 2.0 (adds durability) to try and correct drop issue
- added sounds effects to key/gate lock mechanism
- added sounds and additional text to dragon sequence
- edited font to be slightly more readable
- retextured dragon
- made "click.ogg" silent, sacrificing other functionality to make dispensers silent

- fixed derpy elf on the far boat in harbor
- fixed all unnamed cookies, renamed to “Lembas Bread”
- fixed typo on Alatar’s staff & staff upgrade villager
- replaced high and low tier villagers to fix issue that caused weapons to disappear after being used - edit: issue is still present. no known fix.
- fixed barricade behind shop spawn
- fixed circuit-delay issue in remaining 4 shop teleports that was causing them to send players to the previous checkpoints
- lit nether rack fire in stalag city
- fixed all shmatt’s mansion dialogue command blocks, including jump-starting the broken one
- plugged up the hole in back of enchanting room
- fixed “bran” zombie villager redstone circuit in necromancer battle
- deleted fence at entry of sapphire storeroom to prevent baby zombies from getting stuck
- fixed fences at mine entry to prevent zombies from getting stuck
- fixed improperly paced invisible wall near groshnak battle
- added “AND-gate” failsafe to arrow room so it cannot be triggered prematurely by a zombie
- added fence to groshnak battle so that he doesn’t fall down the pit before the fight begins
- fixed access to radagast’s ability chest in first goblin camp
- fixed and plugged up exposed redstone circuit after borgrond fight
- fixed broken jukebox circuit at final boss battle

- add MCME logo into ascii.png for use in intro book
- changed minecart sound to fire/wind
- changed bed/sleep messages
- changed zombie villager texture from goblin “punk” to undead dwarf
- retextured jukebox/record to skeleton key/lock
- changed all boss fight signs to reflect new skeleton key mechanic
- retextured blue orchid to new pipeweed
- replaced all pipeweed with retextured blue orchids to be an accurate scoring system
- added mossy cobblestone around Thoda Ironheart’s tomb to help alert players
- GoT easter egg
- reimagined groshnak fight, added new elements with minor changes to the area
- added dispenser-repeater, additional text and circuit-stopper to well room to increase mobs (infinite, until player flees!)
- added “I SEE YOU!” sound to minecart sequence
- added “Ash Nazg…” sound to minecart sequence (however a bug in the way audio plays in MC prevents this from being heard most of the time)
- added player statement about cavern collapse after first fight with the king
- fixed dormant redstone circuits in final escape sequence - added explosions, text, and mobs


- still sheep on the road!? kill all the sheep!
- decreased amount of bats in Groshnak fight to reduce performance demand
- removed infinite zombie spawn, changed entrance and spawn of the well room
- fixed derpy Barlond text at chamber entrance
- fixed derby Dunathal text after Borgrond fight
- fixed “THE RACE OF MEN WILL FALL” from repeating
- added temperary fire resistance to all players for minecart sequence
- fixed redstone text circuits at beginning of minecart sequence
[*]removed sidebar display objective from getting set in the first place at the docks
[*]fixed baby zombie spawn outside library
[*]fixed baby zombie spawn in long hall to market
[*]fixed redstone circuits in arrow room
[*]fixed hole above dragon escape route
[*]fixed redstone circuit that drops king into lava
[*]changed proximity of market goblin text so it shows up just before entering
[*]added hint to look at Map of Nogrod to Diary Page 1 in first hall
[*]added sign to starting boat about the Player Guide
[*]fixed all but one conversation circuit in shmatt’s mansion


- Increased the range of the fortress hint message.
- Replaced mob wool-chests with mobs in fortress dungeon.
- Fixed battle in fortress dungeon to correlate with text
-Fixed broken easy/hard redstone circuits that caused shop teleports to break
- Removed shop sidebar scoreboard
- Removed orange wool leftovers
- Fixed stuff that got broken after removing orange wool leftovers
- Fixed hole in well room
- Fixed hole to the left of the gate
- Fixed access to pipeweed #9
- Removed invisible wall on sides of crossing bridge
- Fixed button-controlled redstone clocks from misfiring (shop teleports 1-5, necromancer, broodmother, borgrond), thanks @Finrod
- Fixed slathu battle so its only fought once if the button is pressed again
- Added proximity controlled player observation statement about dragon eggs to broken walkway in kings cavern
- Moved invisible wall slightly closer to the king
- Fixed tree of Gondor
- Added sign pointing to stalagmite city
- Added hint book in fishing rod chest for kildins key
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View attachment 179 All resources for The Fable of the Five Wizards Adventure Map bundled conveniently in one download.

  • Adventure Map
  • Resource Pack
  • Player Guide
  • Special map of Nogrod
  • Skin Files
  • Wallpapers
  • ReadMe summary/instructions page
Perfect for sharing with friends and making sure they get everything they need for the best experience possible! After downloading, unzip the bundle anywhere on your machine. Find installation instructions, important information, important server rules, and more in the ReadMe located in the extracted folder: MCME Fable of the Five Wizards/ReadMe/ReadMe.html
View attachment 179 All resources for The Fable of the Five Wizards Adventure Map bundled conveniently in one download.

  • Adventure Map
  • Resource Pack
  • Player Guide
  • Special map of Nogrod
  • Skin Files
  • Wallpapers
  • ReadMe summary/instructions page
Perfect for sharing with friends and making sure they get everything they need for the best experience possible! After downloading, unzip the bundle anywhere on your machine. Find installation instructions, important information, important server rules, and more in the ReadMe located in the extracted folder: MCME Fable of the Five Wizards/ReadMe/ReadMe.html