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Coreprotect Guide

Coreprotect Guide

Coreprotect is an advanced block/action logging plugin that stores information such as blocks breaking, chat, logins and much more into a database. In case of griefing or problems this information can be used and sometimes even rolled back to a previous state.

Main commands
/co helpDisplays some help.
/co inspectEnables inspection mode. Type again to disable.
/co rollback <params>Will start a rollback based on the parameters.
/co restore <params>Will restore a rollback, based on parameters.
/co purge <params>Will purge data defined by the parameter.
Purged data is not recoverable.
/co reloadReloads the plugin and configuration file.
/co versionDisplays what version the plugin is.
/co nearDoes a standard 5 block radius lookup.
/co undoUndos a rollback or restore.

The following parameters can be used for the /co rollback and /co restore commands. We call a roll back or a restoration an 'alteration' of data.

u:<user>Defines a user
t:<time>Sets an amount of time.You can specify in weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds by using:
  • 2w (two weeks)
  • 5d (five days)
  • 19h (nineteen hours)
  • 7s (seven seconds)
r:<radius>Sets a radius with you as the origin.This command will only affect these blocks around you.

  • r:5 (5 blocks around me)
  • r:#world_the_end (a world rollback)
  • r:#global (a global rollback = all logged worlds)
  • r:#worldedit or #we (the we selection)
a:<action>Select what action to alter.Accepts the following as actions:

  • a:block (blocks placed/broken)
  • a:+block (blocks placed)
  • a:-block (blocks broken)
  • a:click (player interactions)
  • a:container (items from or put in chests, etc.)
  • a:+container (items put in chests, etc.)
  • a:-container (items taken from chests, etc.)
  • a:kill (mobs/animals killed)
  • a:chat (messages sent in chat)
  • a:command (commands used)
  • a:session (player logins/logouts)
  • a:+session (player logins)
  • a:-session (player logouts)
  • a:username (username changes)
b:<blockname>Select what type of blocks should be altered.Multiple items can be specified by using a comma.
e:<exclude>Exclused certain blocks from being altered.Multiple items can be specified by using a comma.
#<hashtag>Performs additional actions.
  • #preview - Makes a ghost copy of the alteration and shows it to you. These changes have not affect the server yet.
  • #count - Counts the amount of rows found in the database (sort of equals to amount of changes will be done)
  • #verbose - Displays extra information during an alteration.
  • #silent - Displays minimal information during the alteration.


/co rollback u:q220 t:1h
Rolls back q220's every logged action for 1 hour.

/co rollback u:q220 t:1h #preview
This shows you a preview of what the server would become if q220's actions would be logged back for 1 hour.

/co rollback u:q220 t:1h,45m
Rolls back q220's logged actions that happened in the last 1 hour and 45 minutes.

/co rollback u:q220 a:-block t:3d
Rolls back q220's broken blocks (a:-block) for the last three days.

/co lookup b:56 t:1h a:-block
This will show all diamond (b:56) mined (a:-block) for the last hour (t:1h).

/co lookup a:login t:1d
This shows all logins (a:login) for everyone (no u: specified) for the last day (t:1d)
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Nice use of tables. 10/10 would recommend to a colleague.
They are a new feature that came with Xenforo 2.1, so I thought why not try them out :P