- Date:
- Jobs:
Harlond_Wall_3 - 8/21/21 - EffieFrog - Making and block mixing walls in Harlond and the Rammas Echor
HHGradient - 9/12/21 - HyprNinja & maski98 - Making a gradient for Harlond’s dock
w0rldtrailjob - 10/3/21 - w0rldunder & AVeryAngryBadger - Smoothing cliffs in Edhellond
andrewfort - 10/04/21 - barteldvn - Editing Andrew’s fort, planning farms, and planning roads in Anorien
Harlond_Wall_5 (Private Job) - 10/10/21 - EffieFrog - Block mixing the last part of the Harlond Wall
edhellondriver - 10/11/21 - w0rldunder - Block mixing the shores of the river next to Edhellond
w0rldtrees4 - 10/12/21 - w0rldunder - Building tree plots in plotworld
themeterrain1 - 10/13/21 - w0rldunder - Creating terrain for the next theme build
w0rldtrees6 - 10/14/21 - w0rldunder - Building green ash trees in plotworld
Osgo_Fields_Roads_1 - 10/17/21 - HyprNinja & EffieFrog - Block mixing roads outside of Osgiliath.
w0rldtrees7 - 10/18/21 - w0rldunder - Building trees for Anorien
Rudo_Farm_Walls2 - Rudolphius & Mershy - Building and block mixing farm walls in Osgo Fields
Osgofield_road_3 - HyprNinja & AVeryAngryBadger - Block mixing roads in Osgo Fields
w0rldtrees8 - 11/2/21 - w0rldunder - Building aspen trees in plotworld
Gladden_Destruction - 6/24/22 - Andrewpioneer1 - Clearing the Gladden Fields out
AUsmoothing6 - 6/26/22 - Rudolphius - Smoothing the last stretch of Agar and Udul coast
Added: Slabs - 7/4/22 - aylalya & Orruss - Replacing normal stone slabs with their block mixed state in Simur
Added: BuildDayA&U - 7/24/22 - Rudolphius & aylalya - Build Day for building Macdara and Simur
Added: AylaJob - 8/12/22 - aylaya - Fixing redstone derps in Osgiliath
Added: Setpieces - 8/16/22 - w0rldunder - (WIP) Built a 25x25 setpiece of a small waterfall on a cliff
Added: stilted_house_building - 8/21/22 - aylalya - Built a stilted house for Agar & Udul
Added: Gladden - 9/20/22 - aylalya - Replacing dark slabs in Gladden Fields
Added: AnduinBoat - 9/22/22 - w0rldunder - Making boat designs
Added: GladdenFields - 9/23/22 - aylalya - Transitioning marshes to regular terrain
Added: AnduinBoat2 - 9/29/22 - w0rldunder - Building fishing boats
Added: AUEvent - 10/8/22 - aylalya - Building two stilted fishing villages in AU
Added: AUsmoothing_7 - 10/16/22 - Rudolphius - Smoothing AU terrain
Added: AUsmoothing_8 - 10/23/22 - Rudolphius - Smoothing more AU terrain
- Plotbuilds:
Lond Daer Canal Plot - HyprNinja - (-3496, -47, 273)
Pelennor House - Rudolphius - (7566, -45, 4493)
Pelennor Farmstead - Rudolphius - (7919, -49, 4449)
Added: Anduin Cliff 1 - Wyattrox03 - (7435, -47, 5429)
Added: Macdara Beehive Hut - Build Day - (-3693, -23, 2190)
Added: Simur Beehive Hut - Build Day - (-3569, -18, 2520)
Added: Simur Storage Cave - aylalya - (-3593, -38, 2498)
Added: Sandcastle for Werewolf - aylalya - Plotworld (-3118, 12, 1585) - Was not able to fully touch up on it due to deadline
Added: A&U Smoothing 1 - aylalya - (-3366, -42, 2105)
Added: A&U Smoothing 2 - aylalya - (-3063, -51, 2154) - Made the cliffs while Green and Maria smoothed the terrain
Added: A&U Smoothing 3 - aylalya - (-3628, -37, 2006) - Shared plot with Green & Freedom
Added: Eggcave Mine Platforms and Storage - Wyattrox03 & Human100 - (-4766, 41, -8694) - 6 Mine Structures + Detailing + Armor Stands
Added: Hill Destruction - w0rldunder - (8270, -30, 4784) - More of a job with me and 4 others destroying hill by hand
Added: Anduin Smoothing 1 - w0rldunder - (8069, -9, 4931)
Added: (WIP) Anduin Cliff 2 - w0rldunder - (7801, 72, 5499)
- Themed-Builds
(WIP) Medieval Village - (-262, 15, 64848) - Probably one of the bigger and more recent builds in this app
- Added: Church (Medieval Village Theme) - (-272, 5, 64835)
- Additional Builds:
Gondolin Interior 2 - FB (6763, 54 -5106)
Gondolin House (Interior + Exterior) - FB (6923, 38, -4977)
Gondolin Marketstand - FB (6729, 36, -5061)
Bag End Update Interior 1 - FB (-2506, 36, -4767)
Library, prison cells, etc. for Sad_Badger’s Spooktober Maze - FB - (-7393, -59, -3523) - Helped a friend on a non-serious project, but learned armor stands here so I decided to include
Dol Amroth Middle Class House - FB (-974, -60, 6242)
Beach - FB (-924, -59, 6424)
Werewolf Game Exteriors - FB (-2137, -60, -4886)
(WIP) FB Harlond Houses
Added: Work for Green_Giant’s Lond Daer PVP Map - FB (-4825, 0, 2487)
Added: Gondolin: Gate of Stone - FB (5592, -60, -4574)
Added: Moria Pillars - FB (-984, -60, 6188)
Added: Choclan/Beehive Chieftan Hut - FB (-952, -60, 6127) - Made the exterior before the build day
Added: (WIP) Upper Mines Houses - FB (-1038, -58, 6163)
Added: Dwarven Gate - FB (-980, -59, 6046)
Added: Ruined Tower - FB (-932, -51, 6270)
Added: Boat - FB (-1006, -55, 6504)
Added: Tol Sirion Tower Concept - FB (5309, -36, -6468)
Added: Lond Daer Houses - FB (-882, -57, 6233)
Added: Tower - FB (-864, -57, 6438)
Added: Gladden Fields Houses - FB (-675, -53, 6427)
Added: Tree - FB (-1008, -53, 6388)
Added: Catacombs Concept - FB (-803, -28, 6506) - Tried out new RP blocks
Added: Marsh - FB (-861, -55, 6041)
Added: Goblin Cave - Tent + Tower - FB (-3619, 217, -7307)
Added: Goblin Cave - Smoothing - FB (-3619, 217, -7307)
Added: Harlond Bedroom - FB () - More of an experiment with armor stands
Added: Brandywine River - FB (-816, -52, 6177) - Will probably add on to this build in future
(WIP) Church of San Martin Segovia - FB (-724, -57, 6451)
- Your Interests:
- Your Motivations:
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