• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

News and Announcements

~ The MCME Times ~ September 2024

  • 433
  • 0

Two Monitors

One Monitor


The Official MCME Times

~ The MCME Times ~ August 2024

  • 470
  • 2

Big screenie peeps

Small screenie peeps


The Official MCME Times

Forum Update Summer 2024 - Xenforo 2.3

  • 184
  • 0
Forum Update 2024

Hello everyone, a short summarisation of the changes that happened on the forums with the update to Xenforo 2.3
The style that we used became outdated and had visual issues, so you can now change back to MCME Dark.



One of the biggest changes in this release is the addition of Passkeys, these are basically passwordless logins. The secret or private key is kept on your device which I used for the authentication. It can also be a physical usb key or other interface, like Windows Hello (Face recognition) that once you have setup the passkey, will enable you to login with ease.
Passkeys also add extra protection to your account as going through the login process will require the device that you setup passkeys with. This basically acts as a two factor authentication, but without the one time passwords ;)

A Passkey can be added by going to https://www.mcmiddleearth.com/community/account/security...

~ The MCME Times ~ July 2024

  • 553
  • 0

Da double pages

Da single pages


The Official MCME Times

~The MCME Times ~ June 2024

  • 683
  • 0

Here we have twins

Here we have singles


The Official MCME Times

Raffle 2024

  • 537
  • 1
Hello everyone!

Thanks to the efforts of the MCME Tolkien Days Organization team and many others from the community, this year we are able to organize in parallel to the Tolkien Days Convention (in Geldern Germany) the first raffle and MCME fundraiser in a long time. We have a great lineup of prizes and the more tickets you buy the more prizes you unlock! Here is a quick rundown:

Starting Prizes:
  1. Mountain Fortress Diorama (35x25x15cm) + merchandise (Posters, Stickers, Special Edition Times Magazine, Bookmark, Flyer and Card)
  2. Black Tower Diorama (11x11x20cm) + merchandise
  3. Black Tower Diorama (11x11x20cm) + merchandise
international shipping supported up to 30$
  1. At 60 Tickets or 300$:
    We will add fully unlocked donor perks for your account on the server (including: elytra, horse, fireworks, etc.) to all prizes.
  2. At 120 Tickets or 600$:
    3 more prizes get...
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