• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Wyattrox03

  1. Wyattrox03

    BeastBearcat’s Victory Speech

    The perfect end to the trilogy. And yet it is only the beginning of the best era MCME will ever see. #MakeBBC
  2. Wyattrox03

    bbc has been made

    bbc has been made
  3. Wyattrox03

    Going Away Thread

    Date Leaving: March 15 Lenght of Absence: March 22/3 Reason or comments: Ireland
  4. Wyattrox03

    Finished Moria Western Crossroads

    This project is complete.
  5. Wyattrox03

    Finished Moria Western Crossroads

    Part 1, which consists of the fellowship path is completed now.
  6. Wyattrox03

    Finished Moria Western Crossroads

    ~:~|~:~ Western Crossroads ~:~|~:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Lead: @Wyattrox03 Co-Lead: @DoctorDaom Project Staff: @barteldvn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Progress: Project Completion: 100%...
  7. Wyattrox03

    In Progress Moria

    ~:~|~:~ Moria ~:~|~:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Head Builder: @barteldvn Project Staff: @DoctorDaom @Joske50, @Wyattrox03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Completion: 40% Fellowship Path Completion: 65%...
  8. Wyattrox03

    Wyattrox03 Animation Badge

    Minecraft Username : Wyattrox03 When did you join MCME : May 28 2020 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank?: Designer, a few months Which WE badge do you have? Full WE Why should we give the animations badge to you? I am here all the time, and am...
  9. Wyattrox03

    Designer Kick Perms

    I believe designers should have kick perms. We had it before and now we don't. This could be useful for dealing with late night trouble makers and making guide sacrafices during artist promotions. Also we have it on discord but not in game? Also Darki,Tyren, and Ober are no longer designers so...
  10. Wyattrox03

    Dwarven Painting Suggestions

    Hi everyone, So ayla and I a few weeks ago were discussing the concept of updating and adding paintings to the dwarven resource pack and we quickly realized that we don't really know what dwarves would think fitting to decorate their walls with. There already exists the map of middle earth...
  11. Wyattrox03

    Finished Moria Great Mines

    ~:~|~:~ The Great Mines ~:~|~:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Leader: @Wyattrox03 Co-Leader: @Joske50 Project Staff: @Mershy, @barteldvn, @Human100 Project Shadow Leader: @DoctorDaom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  12. Wyattrox03

    Resolved Give Foremen Core Inspect

    I think Foremen could really use Core Inspect. During jobs it would be helpful to know who placed blocks if there is a griefing incident. Also as more Foremen are leading projects we have the same need that designers had when they received the perms as far as knowing who is building in your...
  13. Wyattrox03

    Accepted Wyattrox03's Foreman Application

    Minecraft Username : Wyattrox03 Date Joined : May 28, 2020 Country: America Are you regularly logged on our voice communication? Yes Do you actively speak on our voice communication? Yes Do you have any particular skills? I can talk well in voice chat. I also am (I think) fairly active. And...
  14. Wyattrox03

    Job and plotbuild badge

    So I've been thinking recently that access to the job plugin would really help expedite the progress on the Anduin. I just feel like it's one of the bottlenecks of the artist rank and it would be nice if it were a badge. Also jobs would be more frequent than like one or two a month. Could be...
  15. Wyattrox03

    Accepted Wyattrox03's Voxel Badge Application

    When did you join? May 28, 2020 What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had the rank? I am artist and I have been since late July How experienced are you with Voxelsniper and making terrain? I have fooled around a bit on builders refuge Small portfolio of terrain work...